UIN Jakarta Provide Education Scholarship for S1 and S2 Employees

UIN Jakarta Provide Education Scholarship for S1 and S2 Employees

Rectorate, UIN News Online – In order to encourage the improvement of its employee, UIN Jakarta through AUK Bureau will provide education scholarship for S1 and S2 employees.

Thus the contents of Notice Letter signed by AUK Bureau Chief UIN Jakarta Dr. H Rudi Subiantoro MPd Number B-2559 / B1 / HM.00.6 / 9/2017 Date 25 September 2017.

The scholarship is aimed to improve the employee knowledge in accordance with their field of duty and to create equitable education to every employee in need, especially those who have problems in terms of financing.

“It is expected that they can contribute through the ideas and knowledge they gained for the advancement of UIN Jakarta,” said Rudi.

Rudi also appealed to UIN Jakarta employees who are currently taking S1 and S2 degree to immediately send applications and other requirements to the Employment Organization Section and Legislation Regulations no later than September 29, 2017.

The requirements required for the scholarship are the Application Letter proposed by the Faculty / Work Unit / Satker addressed to the Rector of UIN Jakarta, the Active Certificate of Lecture, a copy of the last Decree, Statement Letter has never received another scholarship with 6000 stamps, Letter of study permit, the latest study results, the latest Achievement Index (IP) of at least 3.00, the accreditation of Higher Education where the minimum course of B, and Performance Report. (usa)