UIN Jakarta Prepares PPG Implementation

UIN Jakarta Prepares PPG Implementation

FITK, UIN NEWS Online- In the framework of the implementation of Teacher Professional Program (PPG) In Position (Daljab) within the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) Year 2018, Director General of Islamic Education requested to the Institute of Educators and Education Personnel (LPTK) to submit proposal implementation activities.

In response, UIN Jakarta through the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training which became one of LPTK PPG Kemenag prepare to compile PPG proposal at the FITK Leadership Meeting on Tuesday (02/27/2018) in FITK 2nd Meeting Room.

"The proposal is on process, and currently being improved for the improvement of Religious PPG curriculum," said Vice Dean of FITK Academic Muhammad Zuhdi MED PhD in front of the Prodi and Prodi Secretary and a number of FITK officials.

What is enhanced, he continued, is not only PPG in-service curriculum, it also includes pre-service PPG for fresh graduate teachers.

Zuhdi said the PPG curriculum consists of four clans, namely Islamic Religious Education (Al-Quran, Hadith of Akhlak, Fiqh, and History of Islamic Culture), Arabic, Religious Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (GKMI), and Religious Guru Raudhatul Athfal with each weighs 20 credits.

"The curriculum is based on the formulation of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) Level 7 in accordance with the ideology of the country and culture of Indonesia," Zuhdi added.

He added, a four-month lecture with a three-month allocation for material depth and one month for field practice and National Competency Test (UKN).

"PPG is a subsidy pattern, the government only bears the tuition fee, the rest is borne by each participant," he said.

Because of the pattern of Subsidized PPG, said Zuhdi, then UIN Jakarta can be one of the implementers of these activities. Because, to be able to implement PPG, Kemenristekdikti requires that the campus must have a building LPTK, while the building LPTK UIN Jakarta is still in the process of completion.

"In the meantime, it will likely use the former building of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities for 38 classrooms," he concluded.

For information, in-service PPG is intended for teachers who have served for several years, while Pre- service PPG intended for new teachers or fresh graduates. (usa)