UIN Jakarta Prepares Itself to Become PTN BH University

UIN Jakarta Prepares Itself to Become PTN BH University

Jakarta, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta is getting ready to transform itself into PTN BH University. Until now, the ranks of PTN BH leadership and team continues to consolidate and coordinate with the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (MORA).

As conducted by PTN BH's leadership and team on last Wednesday (03/20/2018), they have conducted hearings as well as coordination to the Ministry of Religious Affairs, and met with Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saefudin, held in the meeting room Minister of Religious Affairs.

In addition to Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA, the hearing also attended by Prof Dr Murodi MA (Vice Rector for Inter-Institutional Cooperation), Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid MS (Vice Rector for General Administration), Dr. Arief Subhan MA (Dean of FIDIK), Dr. Arief Mufraini Lc MA (Dean of FEB), Wahdi Sayuti MA (Head of Puslitpen), Kholis Ridho MSi (Head of Department of Journalism), Dr Hamka Hasan Lc MA (Dean of FDI), Dr Tantan Hermansah MSi, and Prof Dr Arskal Salim GP MA PhD (Director of Diktis and PTN BH team).

On the occasion, Rector confirmed that UIN Jakarta is the first PTAIN campus that ready to become PTN BH. The achievements of UIN Jakarta are on institutional accreditation, international and national publications, institutional cooperation on both academic and non-academic, and PTN BH business plan ahead. "Everything is summarized in the proposal made by PTN BH team. It consists of self-evaluation, development plans, statute plans, and transition plans," said Rector.

In response, Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin asked two things, namely the benefits of PTN BH and the chance of failure after becoming PTN BH.

The rector answered at least two benefits of PTN BH, namely the acceleration of higher education institutional development and academic development. As for the chance of failure, of 11 PTN BH Universities, there is only one university that experienced a slowdown compared to others.

“For the context of UIN, it can generally be considered on the ability of its Rector in terms of management. If it is not good, it will be declined, so far there have been no examples showing significant failures in the existing PTNBH context,” explained Rector.

Furthermore, Rector asserted that it is important at the beginning to discuss which assets are managed by UIN and remain the assets of Kemenag. Therefore, the Ministry of Religious Affairs through the Director of Diktis could made an independent evaluation team to conduct feasibility test of UIN Jakarta in order to become PTN BH.

In the same place, Arief Subhan added that the element of the Board of Trustees consisted of Menag, because it still has a direct bond with the Ministry of Religious Affairs, as other PTNBH with Kemenristek Dikti.

In general, the Minister of Religious Affairs approved UIN Jakarta to become PTN BH, According to Lukman, with the status of PTN BH, the university will have the independence that encourages the acceleration of academic development and not too preoccupied with complicated administration and bureaucracy processes.

“This will be followed up by an independent team led by Prof Arskal, which will be further studied and processed for the next phase. Hopefully, this can be used as an experience for other PTAIN development,” said Lukman. (usa)