UIN Jakarta participate in Pondok Ranji Smart Village Inauguration

UIN Jakarta participate in Pondok Ranji Smart Village Inauguration


Pondok Ranji, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta participate in Pondok Ranji Smart Village Inauguraration that was inaugurated by the Mayor of South Tangerang Hj. Airin Rachmi Diany MH along with the Chairman of Pergerakan Indonesia Maju (PIM) Prof. Dr. Din Syamsuddin at Pondok Ranji, Thursday, (1/26). The presence of the Smart Village is expected to increase the economic and educational development in disadvantaged regions of Indonesia.

Present in the inauguration, the Minister of Home Affairs of Indonesia Tjahjo Kumolo, Minister of Environment and Foresty of Indonesia Siti Nurbaya and Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Minister of Indonesia Eko Putro Sandjojo. Also present from UIN Jakarta, Vice Rector of Academic Affairs Dr. Fadhilah Suralaga, M.Si., Vice Rector of Cooperation Prof. Dr. Murodi, MA. accompanied by Head of Center for Community Service (PPM) Djaka Badranaya, S.Ag., ME.

To UIN News Online, Djaka expressed his appreciation to UIN Jakarta on this Smart Village inauguration. “As a higher education institute that upholds the three pillars of higher education, UIN Jakarta is required to synergized with the government of South Tangerang and PIM in order to increase the economic and educational development in disadvantaged regions, especially in South Tangerang,” he said.

Technically, he added, PPM UIN Jakarta will coordinate with PIM. The coordination will be related to the program formulation and its execution. Moreover, PPM itself already has a partner village program.

“PPM UIN Jakarta will deliver 54 lecturers to provide guidance in the partner village throughout 2017. Over the past year, UIN Jakarta has been implementing the program in 8 partner villages in South Tangerang region,” he said.

On the same occasion, Airin invites all government, education and social institution to work together in developing the human resource, economic and educational quality in South Tangerang. For information, Pondok Ranji Smart Village is the first region in Indonesia which applies the Smart Village concept. (usa)