UIN Jakarta Opens 5 Entry Pathways for Prospective Students in 2024

UIN Jakarta Opens 5 Entry Pathways for Prospective Students in 2024

Jakarta, Berita UIN Online - Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta has again opened registration for prospective students who wish to continue their education at the religious-based tertiary level, especially at the UIN Jakarta campus.

In general, for Bachelor's level, the entrance route to UIN Jakarta consists of five entry routes. Some of these routes are managed under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek), while others are managed independently by UIN Jakarta.

UIN Jakarta offers around 58 study programs for Bachelor (S1) level. Of the number of study programs available, some are included in religious faculties and others are included in general faculties.

Several faculties such as the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK), Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH), Faculty of Ushuluddin (FU), Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSH), Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM), and Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah (FDI) falls into the religious category. Faculties that fall into the religious category receive permission to open their study programs from the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag).

Meanwhile, faculties that fall into the general category include the Faculty of Psychology (FPsi), the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), the Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes), the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisip), and the Faculty of Medicine (FK), received permission to open a study program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek).

The grouping of these categories is based on permission to open different study programs, and does not differentiate between the Islamic values taught on this campus. Apart from that, the grouping of faculty categories is also a differentiating factor in the registration path that will be chosen later according to the major of interest.

In an effort to welcome prospective students, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Tholabi, said that UIN Jakarta opens up maximum opportunities for students who want to study at UIN Jakarta, by providing various entry routes for undergraduate level.

For prospective students who are interested in joining UIN Jakarta, there are several entry routes to choose from. The following are the 5 entry routes available:

Achievement-Based National Selection (SNBP) is a selection process for new student admissions at the national level held by the National Selection Team for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) under the Educational Testing Management Agency (BPPP) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. This selection uses student reports and achievements as the basis for assessment.

Currently, the steps for creating an SNPMB account for SNBP are still ongoing and will end on February 15 for students. Meanwhile, SNBP registration itself will open on February 14 2024.

Test-Based National Selection (SNBT), which is held by the National Selection Team for New Student Admissions (SNPMB), is carried out using a Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK).

As with SNBP, SNBT participants also need to have an SNPMB account to take part in the selection process.

The National Academic Achievement Selection for State Islamic Religious Universities (SPAN-PTKIN) is a selection organized by the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag). The selection process is almost the same as SNBP, namely through report cards and student achievements.

In this pathway, prospective students can choose majors that fall into the religious faculty category.

Education units that can register their students in SPAN-PTKIN include MA/MAK/SMA/SMK/Formal Early Education/Equivalency Education at Salafiyah Islamic Boarding Schools/Mu'ilah Muallimin/Mua'dalah Salafiyah which have received official education implementation permits from the government.

The State Islamic Religious College Entrance Examination (UM-PTKIN) is a selection for new student admissions held nationally by all State Islamic Universities (UIN), State Islamic Religious Institutes (IAIN), and State Islamic Religious Colleges (STAIN).

The UM-PTKIN process uses an Electronic Selection System (SSE) based exam which is open to students who have graduated from MA/MAK/SMA/SMK/PDF/PKPPS/SPM or equivalent.

Participants can choose up to 3 study programs at one of the State Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN) from the 59 PTKINs available. After registering, participants will take an offline test at the selected test location.

5. SPMB-Mandiri Route UIN Jakarta
New Student Admission Selection (SPMB) is an independent pathway organized by UIN Jakarta through the Electronic Selection System (SSE).

In the independent pathway at UIN Jakarta, prospective students can choose majors that fall into the categories of religious faculties and general faculties.

With various entry routes provided, UIN Jakarta provides ample opportunities for prospective students to continue their higher education by following a selection process according to their needs and qualifications. To get further information regarding the registration process, please visit the official UIN Jakarta website (https://spmb.uinjkt.ac.id/spmbv2/home.zul). (Alliya Sukma Rahadiani, Novia Syifaputri Ramadhan)

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