UIN Jakarta offers bidikmisi scholarship

UIN Jakarta offers bidikmisi scholarship

Student Affairs Office, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta students who passed the SNMPTN and SPAN PTKIN selection test are welcome to register as candidates for the Bidikmisi Scholarship recipients. The opportunity was opened for first semester students and with a single tuition fee (UKT) in groups 1-3.

This was said by Sub-division Head of Student Welfare Rosmayeni to UIN News Online in her office at student affairs building, campus I of UIN Jakarta, Wednesday (05/15/2019). The new Bidikmisi scholarship was opened for students who passed the SNMPTN and SPAN PTKIN selection test. Registration of prospective Bidikmisi scholarship recipients for both enrollment types is open from May 6 to May 24, 2019 through https://spmb.uinjkt.ac.id/spmbv2/public/login_beasiswa.zul.  

According to Rosmayeni, the scheme for registering Bidikmisi scholarships is carried out in two ways. First, prospective participants must register and fill in the data online on the page above. Second, after being registered, prospective participants submit registration documents in physical form directly to the Student Affairs Department office.

“Complete requirements for prospective scholarship recipients can be accessed on the registration page. For submission of files, prospective participants must submit proof of printed online listings,” she said.

Rosmayeni said, this year's total quota UIN Jakarta provides 506 Bidikmisi scholarships.

For information, Bidikmisi Scholarship will cover tuition for eight semesters and living cost, in addition to the facilities where the participants will also stay (Ma’had al-Jamiah UIN Jakarta), and get coaching on a regular basis appropriate curriculum and system of predetermined Head of Unit Ma’had Center of UIN Jakarta association. (usa)