UIN Jakarta Offers a Variety of Scholarships

UIN Jakarta Offers a Variety of Scholarships

Rectorate, UIN News Online – The High achieving but ecnonomically disadvantaged S1 program students are no longer need to worry, because UIN Jakarta will offers many opportunities for students or prospective students to get scholarships, both national and international.

According to the staff of student affairs Farah Nurul Agustina, there are at least 14 institutions that are ready to disburse scholarship funds for students. Among them are The Ministry of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, PT Angkasa Pura, Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat, West Java Provincial Government, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, and Badan Amil Zakat Nasional. Additionally, there are also UIN Jakarta internal scholarships, such as Bantuan Langsung Umum (BLU) and Rector Scholarship (for foreign students).

Farah also explained, to obtain the scholarships, the candidates can enroll through Academic Information System (AIS), which is accessible from www.uinjkt.ac.id.  The candidates must also have high academic achievement and do not have a moral defects.

“Another requirement is the candidates must come from economically disadvantages family as evidenced by a statement from the student's home district office,” said Farah. (usa)