UIN Jakarta Offers 124 BLU Research Grants 2021
Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta offers an opportunity for lecturers to conduct research with funding sourced from research grants from the Public Service Agency (BLU) for the 2021 fiscal year with a total of 124 research quotas from various clusters.
Based on the official release of the UIN Jakarta Research and Publishing Center or Puslitpen accessed by UIN BERITA Online, Thursday (07/22/2021), it isinformed that the LP2M Research Center for UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has opened registration for BLU research for the 2021 fiscal year.
“Registration for research grants will take place from Wednesday 21 July to Wednesday 28 July 2021 next week. Registration itself can be done through the website of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, https://litapdimas.kemenag.go.id/,” said the release.
Meanwhile, the total research quota provided consists of five research clusters. Among them are the capacity development research cluster of 29 titles with a maximum grant value of Rp. 15,000,000 and the research cluster of Study Program Development of 30 titles with a maximum grant value of Rp. 25,000,000.
Furthermore, the Interdisciplinary Basic Research cluster for 13 Titles with a maximum grant value of Rp. 40,000,000, the Basic Research cluster for Higher Education Development for 32 Titles with a maximum grant of Rp. 60,000,000, and Applied Research for National Strategic Studies 20 titles with a maximum grant of Rp. 75,000,000. (usa/zm)