UIN Jakarta Occupies the Top Position of SINTA PTKIN Ranking in the Early of 2025

UIN Jakarta Occupies the Top Position of SINTA PTKIN Ranking in the Early of 2025

Rectorate Building, UIN News Online - UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta started the year 2025 with a proud achievement following the success of occupying the top position of Science and Technology Index (SINTA) ranking for State Islamic Religious Universities. In details, UIN Jakarta recorded a score of 199,255 for SINTA Score 3 Yr and a score of 388,559 for SINTA Score Overall.

This was conveyed by the Rector of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D., in his office, Rectorate Building, Thursday (02/01/2025). “Alhamdulillah, starting this new year (2025, ed.), UIN Jakarta managed to record the highest SINTA score for the cluster of state Islamic religious universities,” he said.

SINTA score data reported from SINTA Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI page until today, Thursday, January 2, 2025 at 13.00. UIN Jakarta is confirmed to have recorded a score of 199,255 for SINTA Score 3 Yr and a score of 388,559 for SINTA Score Overall. This number is contributed by 1,206 authors from 86 departments (study programs).

From the same page,  the SINTA PTKIN ranking behind UIN Jakarta is sequentially occupied by UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung with a score of 197,236 for SINTA Score 3 Yr and a score of 379,130 for SINTA Score Overall, UIN North Sumatra with a score of 172,525 for SINTA Score 3 Yr and a score of 285,846 for SINTA Score Overall. Furthermore, followed by UIN Raden Intan Lampung with a score of 63,057 for SINTA Score 3 Yr and a score of 143,812 SINTA Score Overall, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh with a score of 59,530 for SINTA Score 3 Yr and a score of 133,347 for SINTA Score Overall.

Rector Asep Jahar said, this achievement is the result of extraordinary collective work of all UIN Jakarta academicians in maintaining the productivity of scientific publications in the form of scientific journal articles, articles published in proceedings, patents, IPR, books, and others. “Thank you for the extraordinary dedication of the entire academic community of UIN Jakarta so that starting the turn of the new year, we managed to record this achievement,” he added.

Furthermore, Rector Asep Jahar hopes that the productivity of scientific publications can continue to be improved. UIN Jakarta itself is committed to providing full support in its improvement.

Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M), Prof. Amelia Fauzia, M.A., Ph.D., expressed her appreciation to all researchers and lecturers at UIN Jakarta. “This achievement is the result of hard work and collaboration of all parties, including lecturers and students who continue to maintain commitment to research and publication. LP2M will continue to support the strengthening of research-based academic culture to maintain this achievement,” said Prof. Amelia.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Journal House Center, Dr. Saepudin Asrori, M.A., added that this success is inseparable from the mentoring and training system that continues to be promoted. It is known that various mentoring and training programs continue to be promoted by the Journal House Center for lecturers.  

“We at the Journal House Center consistently provide technical support and guidance to researchers, from journal management to strategies to improve the quality of publications. These results show that UIN Jakarta has great potential to continue to compete at the national and international levels,” he said.

The same appreciation was conveyed by the Head of Research and Publishing Center, Dr. Siti Ummi Masruroh M.Sc. With this achievement, she explained, UIN Jakarta is expected to further strengthen its role as a center of academic excellence in Indonesia.

“We feel proud and grateful for this achievement. This is the result of the high commitment of lecturers, researchers, and students in producing quality research. Puslitpen will continue to strengthen the culture of research and innovation within UIN Jakarta,” he concluded.


Top Three SINTA Contributors

On the same page, three lecturers (authors) were recorded as the top three SINTA score contributors. They are Nur Rohim Yunus with a score of 963 for SINTA Score 3Yr and a score of 4,390 for SINTA Score, Maila Dinia Husni Rahiem with a score of 951 for SINTA Score 3Yr and a score of 1,810 for SINTA Score, and Muhammad Nur Rianto Al Arif with a score of 777 for SINTA Score 3Yr and a score of 2,114 for SINTA Score.

It is known that Nur Rohim Yunus is a lecturer in the Law Science study program, Faculty of Sharia and Law. His two latest works were published in 2024, namely Between Tradition and Religious Doctrine: Questioning Kiai's Status as Zakat Recipient (Al-Ihkam: Journal of Law and Social Institutions/Q1) and The Role of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in Overcoming Deforestation in Central Kalimantan 2017-2020 (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science/Q3).

Maila Dinia Husni Rahiem is a Professor of Early Childhood Islamic Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences. Her last two works were published in 2024, namely Early childhood education contingencies for sustaining learning during school closures: Lessons from preschool remote education home visits in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic (Children and Youth Services Review/Q1) and Religion, Education, Science and Technology towards a More Inclusive and Sustainable Future: Proceedings of the 5th International Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (ICIIS 2022), Lombok, Indonesia, October 19-20, 2022 (Religion, Education, Science and Technology towards a More Inclusive and Sustainable Future: Proceed).

As for Muhammad Nur Rianto Al Arif, he is a Professor of Sharia Economics at the Master of Sharia Economics Program, Faculty of Economics and Business. His last two works: How collaborative consumption affects customer satisfaction and the ride-hailing drivers' psychological well-being in Indonesia (Asia Pacific Management Review/Q1), and Does Conversion Increase Deposit Funds in Islamic Banks in Indonesia? The Case of Bank of Aceh and Bank of NTB (International Journal of Business and Society/Q3).

For your information, SINTA or Science and Technology Index is an online scientific platform managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) of the Republic of Indonesia. It functions as a database of national scientific journals that can be accessed online, an instrument to illustrate the productivity and impact of research, and a measure of the performance of science and technology which includes the performance of researchers, authors, journal performance, and the performance of academic institutions. (Release of Information & Public Relations Center LP2M UIN Jakarta)



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