UIN Jakarta Now Integrated With OneSearch

UIN Jakarta Now Integrated With OneSearch

One-Search-UIN-JakartaRectorate, UIN News Online – To facilitate the civitas academica of UIN Jakarta in seeking the information resources of UIN Jakarta, the main library OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) and the Open Journal System database of UIN Jakarta is now integrated with OneSearch (http://onesearch.uinjkt.ac.id).

It was written in the Rector of UIN Jakarta Circular Letter which is delivered to the Dean of the Faculties, the head of the institutes, Head of Data Centre and Information Technology Division (Pustipanda), the head of UIN Jakarta central library, repository administrators, journal administrators and the head of the faculty library.

UIN Jakarta One Search has been integrated with Indonesia One Search portal (http://onesearch.id) owned by The National Library of Indonesia and has been ranked 11th as the university that has the largest database.

The number of integrated database would be beneficial to promote the cultural and academic atmosphere which can improve the outlooks of UIN Jakarta.

Related to this integration, the Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada urged the deans at UIN Jakarta to support this activity.

First, to complete the OPAC in each faculty library with Open Access Initiative system (OAI) in order to be linked with UIN Jakarta One Search. There are three faculties that already linked with UIN Jakarta One Search, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training OPAC, the Faculty of Ushuluddin OPAC, and the central library OPAC.

Second, each faculty was asked to create Open Journal System (OJS) account for each journal which is still published in printed form.

Third, the faculties need to coordinate with the Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) and Pustipanda for the process of registration and integration to UIN Jakarta One Search and Indonesia One Search (usa)