UIN Jakarta Managed to Execute the Land in Pisangan

UIN Jakarta Managed to Execute the Land in Pisangan

Pisangan, UIN News Online – Two heavy equipment managed to flatten dozens of homes that occupy the land owned by UIN Jakarta in Pisangan, Ciputat, Tuesday (28/11/2017). The land eviction is a follow-up action of the Tangerang City District Attorney's decision to execute two fields of land controlled by Rostiana Noor / Sylvia Kahar and Masniar Tanjung.

The execution process took place between 09.00 and 12.00 o'clock which was tightly guarded by the joint apparatus, consisting of police, TNI, and Satpol PP, and led by the Chief of Tangerang Selatan Police Resort AKBP Fadli Widiyanto. There is no resistance from homeowners when the process is implemented.

Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly,” said the Division Head of Home Affairs UIN Jakarta Drs Encep Dimyati MA to UIN News Online team.

Two fields of land that became the object of execution are located at Jalan Puri Intan Raya RT 04 RW 17 Pisangan, Ciputat. The first land area of 885 square meters is currently controlled by Rostiana Noor / Sylvia Kahar, while the second area of 300 square meters is occupied by Masniar Tanjung.

This land execution order is based on an execution letter from Tangerang City State Attorney Number B-7006 / 0.6.11 / Fu.1 / 11/2017 dated November 14, 2017 signed by Tangerang City District Attorney Ediward Kaban, SH, MH. The warrant is based on the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1452 K / Pid / 1994 dated 30 November 1994 Jo. Judgment of West Java High Court Number 102/1994 / PT BDG dated 1 August 1994 Jo. Verdict of Tangerang District Court Number 21 / Pts. Pid.Sus / 1993 / PN Tangerang dated May 28, 1994 relating to the handling of criminal corruption cases conducted by convicted Syarief Soegirwo Cs based on a Decision Letter of Decision Execution by Tangerang City Attorney (P-48) No. 71 / 0.6.11 / Fu. 1/01/2017 dated January 13, 2017 Jo. Decision Letter of Decision Execution of the Court by the Chief of the Tangerang City District Attorney Office (P-48) Number 1823 / 0.6.11 / Fu.1 / 10/2017 dated October 18, 2017.

“The land clearance order has been sent to the applicant several times. However, because they were persisted, so we are forced to use this method,” said Encep.

Tanjung Masniar could do nothing as she watched two heavy equipment knocked down her house to the ground. "We just surrender to Allah SWT. We cannot do anything else, " she said. (usa)