UIN Jakarta Assets Returned Successfully

UIN Jakarta Assets Returned Successfully

Ciputat, UIN NEWS Online – State Attorney of Tangerang managed to confiscate a school building in Cempaka Putih, East Ciputat District, South Tangerang, Thursday (28/12/2017). Confiscation of assets belonging to the Ministry of Religious Affairs c.q. UIN Jakarta was conducted after officers from the Tangerang City State Attorney read the verdict in place of the object of execution.

The execution of UIN Jakarta's assets led by Kapolsek Ciputat Timur Police Commissioner Donny Bagus Wbisono, took place between 09.00-10.30 WIB. Around 150 joint personnel from the police, army, and Satpol PP elements aligned the execution.

No significant resistance from the executed party. Drs Nurdin Idris MPd as the Trustee and Chairman of the Foundation of Islamic College Triguna Utama (YPITU) who was at the location was successfully expelled even though had previously argued with the prosecutor's office. Not only Nurdin, other board members,  Drs Nasrun Mahmud MPd who is also a lecturer of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Jakarta, as well as their two lawyers was also successfully removed from the place.

"Alhamdulillah, the building is now successfully returned to the country after controlled by a number of civil servants of UIN Jakarta," said Head of General Section of UIN Jakarta Drs Encep Dimyati MA after signing the minutes of execution.

The land of 3,390 square meters on which stood the institution of SMA / SMK was seized in accordance with the Supreme Court's Supreme Court decision No. 420 K / PDT / 2016. The other basis is the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia no. 87 of 1982 concerning Ownership and Management of Land and Building of IAIN Complex Jakarta, Letter of Appointment of Ministry of Religion About Temporary Manager of Ex. YPMII Number SJ / B.VI / 2 / HK.04.2 / 5930/1993 dated October 20, 1993, Supreme Court Decision No. RI. No. 1452 / K / Pid / 1994 affirming the decision of the Tangerang District Court Number 21 / Pid.SUS / 1993 / PN Tangerang, News of Custody of Tangerang State Attorney on July 8, 1994, Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 56 Year 1997 on Formation Establishment of YPMII School Foundation, Notarial Deed No. 6 of 1998 on Establishment of Triguna Utama Foundation, Notarial Deed No. 16 of 2005 on Amendment of Articles of Association, Changes of Foundation name to Yayasan Perguruan Islam Triguna Utama and Board Change, and Certificate of Use Rights No 00019 / Cempaka Putih / 2011 dated November 7, 2011 on behalf of the Government of Indonesia cq Ministry of Religion

"The clearance order has been long enough. However, because the concerned (Nudin Idris cs, Red) does not move, yes we evicted them by force," said Encep.

After successfully forcibly evicting the board of the foundation, officers from UIN Jakarta and then put a signboard of UIN Jakarta at the entrance. In addition, the entire door of the room and the entrance of the college entrance also padlocked  by the officers.

"No one can get in and out,, except the appointed security guards and police," he said. (usa)