UIN Jakarta is ready to synergize with various elements to prevent acts of terrorism

UIN Jakarta is ready to synergize with various elements to prevent acts of terrorism

Jakarta, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta is ready to conduct an in-depth study related to terrorism prevention. Such prevention can be done through collaboration with various parties, both law enforcement officials and other elements of society.

This was said by Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis during the FGD entitled “Monitoring Pelibatan Masyarakat dalam Pencegahan Terorisme melalui Forum Koordinasi Pencegahan Terorisme (FKPT)”, orgabnized by the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) at Hotel Sabang, Jakarta, Saturday (05/11/2019).

According to the Rector, universities in Indonesia are expected to be more active in reviewing and preventing acts of terrorism and providing the best solutions to deal with the problems of the state and nation. This is due to the results of studies in many institutions, the problem of terrorism is often not comprehensive and even places it in the realm of intolerance.

Therefore, UIN Jakarta will synergize with various parties in providing literacy for the prevention of terrorism. These efforts were carried out through seminars, focus group discussions and training.

“Trough the forum, I stated that UIN Jakarta is ready to collaborate with various elements,” said Rector. (usa)