UIN Jakarta Hosts PTKIN Scout Leadership Meeting
Jakarta, UIN NEWS Online –The Vice Rector for Student Affairs Forum (Warek 3) declares UIN Jakarta to host the meeting of Indonesian Islamic Religious High School Scouts (PTKIN) coaches throughout Indonesia. The stipulation was submitted through the Head of Sub Directorate of Facilities and Infrastructure Affairs of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Drs Syafriansyah MBA when closing the Evaluation of Activity Pioneer VIII Aceh 2017 in Jakarta on Tuesday (15/8/2017).
Syafriansyah said that the meeting of PTKIN scout coaches in Indonesia, among others, aims to improve the capacity of mentors and learners as well as the development of quality scouting activities in PTKIN respectively, namely UIN, IAIN, and STAIN. The activities of the PTKIN Scout Coaches in Jakarta are planned to be held in the form of Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The activity is a follow up of Karang Pamitran activity among PTKIN entrepreneurs in the forum of the National Wirakarya Campsite (PWN) PTKI in Bengkulu and Kendari.
“We hope that the meeting of PTKIN Coaches forum in Jakarta with the host of UIN Jakarta will be able to formulate various quality activities for the students as the nation's successor cadre," he said.
Previously, the meeting attended by 56 Vice Rectors of Student Affairs of PTKIN from all over Indonesia discussed the evaluation of the 2017 Scientific, Sports, Arts and Research (Pioneer) Exhibition held in UIN Arraniry Banda Aceh in late April and early May. Besides to discuss about the Pioneer problem, the forum also discussed about PTKIN student activities at national level in the form of PWN XIV PTKI 2018 and Pioneer IX PTKIN 2019. The Forum agreed that the candidate for temporary host Pionir 2019 is UIN Palembang and UIN Malang, while the prospective host PWN 2018 is UIN Bandung and UIN Riau.
Especially on the issue of PWN XIV PTKI 2018, at the forum meeting asked the two candidates for the host presentation. However, the determination of one of the two prospective hosts has not been decided but will be discussed again at the next meeting in Parepare, South Sulawesi.
"Candidate host PWN XIV PTKI 2018 will be decided after a site visitation about the feasibility of one of the two candidates. Once there is considered appropriate, then we decide the candidate, "said Syafriansyah.
Meanwhile, Chairman of Forum PTKIN Scout Coaches Indonesia Nanang Syaikhu said, FGD pembina plan will be held at the end of September 2017. FGD was attended by 56 PTKIN representatives with a total of 112 participants, consisting of male and female coaches. Agenda of FGD in addition to feedback on the quality of scouting activities in PTKIN from the coaches, also about the policy of student activities and scouting development from Director of Islamic Higher Education Ministry of Religious Affairs, Chairman of Forum Rektor PTKIN Indonesia, and Chairman of National Scout Movement Scout.
“Hopefully the activities run smoothly and produce various important recommendations about scouting activities of PTKIN in the future, " he said. (usa)