UIN Jakarta holds the 119th graduation ceremony
Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta holds a virtual graduation ceremony for 1377 graduates through zoom application and live streamed on YouTube on Saturday (02/27/2021). Present in the event, Rector and Vice Rectors of UIN Jakarta, head of university senate, Faculty Deans, and Director of SPs UIN Jakarta. Also present in the event, the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim.
Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis in her speech congratulates the graduates. She also advised the graduates to provide solutions for the nation during this pandemic situation.
“This pandemic situation demands that we always make a positive contribution. Therefore, UIN Jakarta always supports its graduates to play an active role in responding to this situation through various social service and research activities that will develop national welfare. Hopefully the knowledge you get from this campus can be a valuable asset in the midst of society,” said Rector.
Furthermore, according to Rector Amany, UIN Jakarta is getting ready to transform its status into PTN BH University. If it came to be realized, UIN Jakarta will be the first PTN BH State Islamic Higher Institution (PTKIN) under the auspices of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA).
“The changes not only affect the academic aspect but also allow UIN Jakarta to have autonomy in their non-academic aspects. In the academic aspect, for example, PTN BH university has the authority to open, manage, and even shut down the study program,” said Rector.
She also added that UIN Jakarta UIN Jakarta is committed to making this campus a comfortable learning place for students regardless of their social and economic backgrounds.
“This commitment is in line with higher education regulations which state that PTN-BH University still has social responsibilities that must be fulfilled. This social responsibility includes PTN's commitment to accept academically gifted students from lower-income families as well as to accept prospective students from outermost, and disadvantaged areas. This responsibility is also interpreted as an obligation for the university to be more actively involved in community service,” said Rector Amany.
For information, 18 people are chosen as the best graduates based on their GPA (Grade Point Average), they are; Alfiani Muscahyanti (FITK) with 3.89 of GPA, Nurhayati (FAH) with 3.88 of GPA, Aennul Yaqin (FU) with 3.86 of GPA, Arzicha Putty Annisa (FSH) with 3.97 of GPA, Luthfiyyah Mufiidah (FDIK) with 3.91 of GPA, Urwatul Wusqo (FDI) with 3.95 of GPA, Farid Jamaludin (FPSI) with 3.88 of GPA, Fakhri Fadhlurrohman (FEB) with 3.92 of GPA, Alam Wahyu Hutomo (FST) with 3.90 of GPA, Dewi Anggun Lestari (FIKES) with 3.70 of GPA, Sarah Soraya (FISIP) with 3.93 of GPA, and Amadea Azzahra Sonia Pertiwi (FK) with 3.92 of GPA.
For the faculty master’s program, they are; Afif Faizin (FITK Master’s program) with 4.00 of GPA, Nur Kholis Makki (FIDK Master’s program) with 3.89 of GPA, Ahmad Nurhidayat (FDI Master’s program) with 3.50 of GPA, and Siti Maryam Mubarokah (FPSI Master’s program) with 3.87 of GPA. Meanwhile, for the Graduate School (SPs) of UIN Jakarta, Fiki Khoirul Mala (SPs Master’s program) with 3.86 of GPA and Suherman Saleh (SPs Doctoral program) with 3.70 of GPA.
May the success of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta alumni continue to uphold the goodwill of the alma mater and triumph throughout the world. (usa)