UIN Jakarta holds the 117th graduation ceremony

UIN Jakarta holds the 117th graduation ceremony

Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta holds a virtual graduation ceremony for 1164 graduates from 12 faculties and Graduate school (SPs) through zoom application and live streamed from YouTube on Saturday (08/29/2020). Present in the event, Rector and Vice Rectors of UIN Jakarta, university senate head, Faculty Deans, and Director of SPs UIN Jakarta. Also present in the event, the Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs Fachrul Razi.

Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis in her speech congratulates the graduates. She hopes that the graduates can immediately devote themselves to the community in accordance with their respective fields.  “In addition, UIN Jakarta graduates are obliged to contribute positively to the country, maintaining national integration as well as religious harmony,” said Rector.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs Fachrul Razi in his speech invites all Islamic religious universities (PTKI) in Indonesia to become catalysts in maintaining the relationship between religion and the state.

“PTKI is Indonesia's frontline in establishing democracy. The democratic life in Indonesia is built peacefully and based on its own national values, called Pancasila,”

Fachrul also hopes that PTKI must remain consistent without being influenced by movements or ideologies that can harm the relationship between religion and the state. Most of the Indonesian people, he continued, are remain strong with their religious ideologies that coexist with the ideology of nationality. But on the other hand, there are groups of people that oppose nationalism with other religious ideas, such as the caliphate movement and ideology.

“Such polarization is now getting stronger, especially by dragging religious ideas for their own political interests. The polarization and politicization of religion, if it left unchecked, will have a disruptive impact on the life of the nation and state,” he said.

The Minister of Religious Affairs also encouraged all PTKI, especially UIN Jakarta, to generate academic inspirators who think about Islam as the basis for religious moderation. “We must learn from national figures who have successfully laid the good religious foundation, such as Kuntowijoyo, Nurcholish Madjid, Abdurrahman Wahid, and Quraish Shihab,” said Fachrul.

19 people are chosen as the best graduates based on their GPA (Grade Point Average), they are; Yunita Dyah Tri Utami (FITK) with 3.84 of GPA, Diah Ayu Agustina (FAH) with 3.93 of GPA, Muhammad Izzul Islam an Najmi (FU) with 3.71 of GPA, Miftahur Rahmah (FSH) with 3.95 of GPA, Ulfah Utami (FDIK) with 3.88 of GPA, Wilda Aprian (FDI) with 3.93 of GPA, Arif Budiman Al Fariz (FPSI) with 3.89 of GPA, Dian Rohmatun Nisa (FEB) with  3.92 of GPA, Adinda Ardani (FST) with 3.88 of GPA, Nurul Adillah (FIKES) with 3.79 of GPA, and Ika Nur Faradila (FISIP) with 3.88 of GPA

For the faculty master’s program, Lailatul Mahmuda (FITK Master’s program) with 4.00 of GPA, Dayu Aqraminas (FU Master’s program) with 3.50 of GPA, Novita Intan Sari (FDIK Master’s program) with 4.00 of GPA, Murad Adel Abdulraqeb Murad (FDI Master’s program) with 3.85 of GPA, Putri Nuraini (FPSI Master’s program) with 4.00 of GPA, and Ari Febri Masruri (FEB Master’s program) with 3.79 of GPA

And for the Graduate School (SPs) of UIN Jakarta, Nurul Adhha (SPs Master’s program) with 3.77 of GPA and Muhammad Izdiyan Muttaqin (SPs Doctoral program) with 3.86 of GPA.

May the success of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta alumni continue to uphold the goodwill of the alma mater and triumph throughout the world. (usa)