UIN Jakarta Holds Book Review in Kuningan
Kuningan, UIN NEWS Online - Rector of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada MA 's Book was reviewed in Kuningan, West Java, on Monday (10/30/2017), at the Ayong Linggarjati Hotel Hall. This event was followed by at least 600 participants. They consists of teachers, secondary school students and santris from several Pondok Pesantren in Kuningan Regency.
As already been reported by UIN NEWS Online previously, the event was initiated by Sub-division of Publication and Documentation UIN Jakarta, in collaboration with the Office of Ministry of Religious Affairs in Kuningan Regency, West Java.
Present at the event was the Rector, Vice Rector for Cooperation Affairs Prof Dr Murodi MA, Head of Public Administration and Staffing Bureau Dr H. Rudi Subiyantoro MPd, Head of Planning and Finance Bureau H Subarja MPd, and several Heads and Heads of Sub-division of UIN Jakarta.
The event which took place from 07.00 until 12.00 am, was attended also by the Regent in Kuningan H Cecep Purnama SH MH which was represented by Head of Education Office, Head of Religious Affairs Office of Kuningan Regency, and some Head of School in Kuningan Regency.
In his speech, the rector appreciated this initiation. He hoped that the book able to give positive contribution to the development of science and the improvement of teacher quality in this current era.
"The progress and the decline of a nation depend on the quality of its education. Therefore, to be able to produce (output) qualified graduates, it’s indeed a need to give special attention to education institution including the quality of the teachers, "said rector.
According to Rector, there were several phases that must be processed by an institution including teachers and management inside in order to produce qualified input and output. So, it was not about how good infrastructure of an institution however with its unbalanced improvement in the human resources quality, including the teachers, then the quality of its output is consider in low category.
"In the book, there are several discussions that hopefully can be a solution to the problems face by educational institutions and teachers. We will try to do further research on teachers and education as requested by participants. Insha Allah we will reprint the book, "he explained.
At the end of his speech, the rector invited madrasah graduates to continue their education at UIN Jakarta. The Rector also mentioned that UIN Jakarta currently is well-intentioned as students reference campus to grow their religious and general sciences.
Based on UIN News Online observation, all participants were very enthusiastic to follow the event. They are just rising up some questions, particularly about the book entitled Madrasah dan Profesionalisme Guru dalam Arus Dinamika Pendidikan Islam di Era Otonomi Daerah. (usa-im)