UIN Jakarta Held Rakerpim
Harun Nasution Auditorium, UIN NEWS Online-- Leaders held a working meeting (Rakerpim) UIN Jakarta in 2016 in the Main Auditorium on Wednesday and Thursday (10-11/02). Working closely with the theme is strengthening the Capacity of UIN Jakarta Being a Research University discusses a number of issues on the future development of UIN Jakarta.
In his speech, Rector Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada MA expressed, Rakerpim scheduled synchronization policy and explore new ideas development UIN Jakarta. "Good for the interests of policy implementation in 2016, as well as the preparation of the plan in 2017," he explained.
Related Rakerpim, rector delivered a number of key issues that needs to be addressed, civitas academy UIN Jakarta. One of them, driving the transformation UIN Jakarta from a teaching based-university (teaching university) to become a research based-university (research university).
"Research University pursued importance to put UIN Jakarta as university recognized by the world, on the academic, lecturer, as well as the quality of graduates," he said.
Related to this issue, the Rector said, UIN Jakarta from the year 2016 will have a budget allocated for research funding nearly 30 billion in USD, up 100% compared to the previous nominal research funding. These funds will be allocated for the financing of various schemes of national-international research.
"The target, research professor could bring scientific articles in international journals UIN Jakarta accredited and receive a certificate of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)," he added.
Another issue that must be recognized leaders and relevant staff Rakerpim at UIN Jakarta have the desire to reach the position of Legal Entity State Universities (PTN BH) of Higher Education Outstanding Public Service Agency (BLU PT). PTN BH autonomy that necessitates UIN to support efforts in developing the academic and institutional aspects of the future.
"With BH universities, the university has special autonomy that allows the development of academics, such as the opening of the faculty or new study programs" he explained.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Committee Rakerpim 2016, Drs. H. Subarja, Pd, added,in the discussion about Rakerpim 2016 target four main agendas, namely the review and evaluation of the results of work in 2015, the presentation of the Budget Expenditure Plan (RBA) UIN Jakarta 2016, presentations of the work programs 2016, and formulates a set tree- the main agenda of the strategic plan for the development of UIN Jakarta in 2017-2021. "In general, the perception Rakerpim aims to increase the commitment of program success UIN Jakarta in 2017-2021," he said.
Through Rakerpim, added the Head of Planning and Finance, UIN Jakarta targets to obtain a clear picture of the results of work in 2015 and the drafting of policy implementations of the Programs and Budgets in 2016. Furthermore, the drafting of the trees development planning agendas at UIN Jakarta in 2017-2021, mainly UIN Jakarta endeavors to achieve the status of Legal Entity State Universities (PTN BH) in 2017-2018. (Translated by Ihsan/Safee Peters)