UIN Jakarta-Hayrat Foundation are agree to collaborate
Rectorate, UIN News Online – In order to strengthen Institutional capacity and three pillars of higher education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi), UIN Jakarta and the Hayrat Foundation Turkey are agree to cooperate. The agreement was stated in the MoU signed by the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis and the Director of Hayrat Foundation Cemal Sahin, Wednesday (11/11/2020) at the Rectorate Building, Campus I of UIN Jakarta.
Also present in the event, Vice Rector of Academic Affairs of UIN Jakarta Zulkifli, Vice Rector for General Administration Rodoni, the Dean of FIDK UIN Jakarta Suparto, Deputy Dean for Student And Alumni Affairs, FIDK UIN Jakarta Cecep Sastrawijaya, AAKK Bureau Chief of UIN Jakarta Jaenuddin, and the Head of International Office of UIN Jakarta Dadi Darmadi.
Cemal Sahin in his remarks said that Hayrat Foundation Turkey is a foundation engaged in the fields of Education, Humanity and Da'wah. He also saidthat the Hayrat Foundation has been providing free Turkish language course training for three years to students and the general public.
“Hayrat Foundation will provide facility and infrastructure grants to renovate the former third floor of the FIDK UIN Jakarta library to serve as a learning place for FIDK students, and partly for Turkish language learning classes,” he said.
In response, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis welcomed the collaboration initiated by the two institutions. Amany hopes that this collaboration will become a new history in the development of Islamic da'wah between the two countries.
“Hopefully this collaboration can provide benefits for both parties,” said Rector.
Meanwhile, the Dean of FIDK UIN Jakarta Suparto welcomes the provision of grants in the form of facilities and infrastructure from Hayrat Fonudation Turkey. “I hope that the additional facilities and infrastructure will support the learning process of students at the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences,” he said. (usa)