UIN Jakarta have the potential to become a world class university
Bogor, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta is a university that has adequate infrastructure and human resources. This makes UIN Jakarta as one of the universities that has great potential to become a world class university.
This was said by the former Rector of Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Tan Sri Dato Seri Noor Azlan Ghazali in his speech during the UIN Jakarta’s leaders work meeting (Rakerpim) 2020, held at Aston Hotel Bogor, Monday (02/10/2020).
According to Ghazali, UIN Jakarta is a rough jewel that need to be polished. “If the jewel is polished continuously, then it is easy to reach the WCU. Moreover, the development of UIN Jakarta has been arranged in accordance with the Strategic Plan until 2036,” he said.
However, he added, UIN Jakarta must also follow three important things in its development, namely good leadership, good strategic, and good implementation.
“If these three principles can be implemented properly, Insya, Allah, the ideals of UIN Jakarta to become a WCU will soon be achieved,” he added.
On the other hand, he said, Islam actually has a strong principles. Countries such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Europe want to know about the characteristics of Islam, especially in terms of muamalah, business and community. By having 13 faculties with strong Islamic principles, UIN Jakarta is very likely to become WCU. Moreover, Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world.
“I am certain that these advantages are a big capital for UIN Jakarta to achieve international recognition,” he said. (usa/ns)