UIN Jakarta has transformed into a modern campus

UIN Jakarta has transformed into a modern campus

Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta has transformed into a modern and growing campus. This is different from 20 years ago when UIN Jakarta still had the status of a State Islamic Institute (IAIN). At that time, people still considered IAIN only as a marginal university and even as an alternative second choice.

This was said by Nanang Syaikhu from public relation office UIN Jakarta at the Virtual Study and Career Expo event held by SMK Prestasi Prima Cipayung, Tuesday (02/08/2022). “But now people's views have changed. UIN Jakarta is on par with other  state universities,” he said.

Nanang further explained that UIN Jakarta already has a magnificent building and equipped with modern facilities with various study programs. In addition, the number of prospective students who are interested in studying at UIN Jakarta also continues to increase. This proves that UIN Jakarta has been very progressive in developing quality human resources.

“UIN Jakarta has won various achievements, both at the national and international levels. Many foreign institutions have visited UIN Jakarta to offer cooperation and build partnerships,” said Nanang,

Nanang also added that UIN Jakarta is very open to the best Indonesian students. Including prospective non-Muslim students.

“Therefore, don't hesitate to choose UIN Jakarta according to the study program you are interested in,” he added. (ns/usa)