UIN Jakarta facilitates the Middle East Student Candidates selection test
Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta participated in facilitating the selection test for 1,125 out of 5752 applicants for prospective Middle East students from Indonesia, which was organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA).
The Director of Islamic Religious Higher Education Suyitno said that the selection will be carried out in two stages. First, the selection of the Arabic language proficiency test using the Computer Based Test (CBT) method which will be held for two days, Wednesday-Thursday (04/28-29/2021). Then it will be followed by an interview session which will be held online on 3-5 May 2021.
“Only participants who meet the passing grade with a score of 65 can take part in the interview session,” he said.
This year, the total number of applicants for the Middle East student selection reached 5,752. A total of 5,216 students chose to study in Egypt, Egypt and another 536 students chose to study in Morocco. They will compete for the scholarship quota set by the Egyptian and Moroccan governments.
The selection process was coordinated by 15 UINs, including UIN Jakarta, UIN Yogyakarta, UIN Malang, UIN Makassar, and UIN Medan.
Amany Lubis expressed her gratitude to the Indonesian Ministry of Religion for entrusting UIN Jakarta to facilitate the selection process. "Hopefully the selection will run smoothly according to the plan,” she hoped. (usa/zm/kemenag)