UIN Jakarta establishes gratification control unit

UIN Jakarta establishes gratification control unit

Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta estabilishes the Gratification Control Unit. Its existence is expected to realize to realize clean governance and free from corruption, collusion and nepotism. This unit was ratified through the Rector’s Decree Number 649 of 2021 concerning the UIN Jakarta Gratification Control Unit for the period of 2021-2022.

“To realize a clean government administration, free from corruption, collusion, and nepotism, it is necessary to control gratification within UIN Jakarta,” said Rector Amany in the decree as quoted by UIN News Online, Monday (11/01/2021).

In addition to implementing clean government, the Gratification Control Unit was formed in accordance with clean governance regulations. These include Presidential Regulation Number 54/2018 concerning the National Strategy for Corruption Prevention, KPK Regulation Number 2/2019 concerning Gratification Reporting, and Indonesian Minister of Religious Regulation Number 34/2019 concerning Gratification Control at the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs.

In the same decree, apart from the Chancellor of UIN Jakarta himself as the Chair of the UPG, there were several names appointed to be the administrators. Among them, Abdul Hamid Cebba as Secretary, Rojikin (PK Bureau chief), Kastolan (AUK Bureau chief), Jaenuddin (AAKK Bureau chief), Kuswara (Head of Planning division), Azizah MM (Head of Ortala and Civil Service division), Sholehuddin, and Ahmad Afandi.

The UPG also has duties that include providing advice and considerations on gratification at UIN Jakarta, receiving reports of gratifications, requesting information from those reporting gratifications, forwarding gratification reports to the Inspectorate General of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs, following up on the recommendations of the Inspectorate General of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs, and compiling an action plan and list of vulnerable points for gratification. (usa/zm)