UIN Jakarta Earns ‘A’ Accreditation from BAN-PT

UIN Jakarta Earns ‘A’ Accreditation from BAN-PT

Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta has been granted an ‘A’ Accreditation from the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN PT). The acquisition of accreditation is based on BAN-PT Decree Number BAN-PT Nomor 25/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/PT/II/2018, dated February 28th, 2018.

According to the release, UIN Jakarta earned 374 points, from the previous 363 points. Sub-division head of Publication and Documentary UIN Jakarta Feni Arifiani MH expressed his gratitude for this achievement. “Alhamdulillah, UIN Jakarta managed to maintain its accreditation. With this achievement, it is expected that public trust towards UIN Jakarta will continue to increase,” said Feni on Friday, (03/16/2018).

Feni also added that there are various aspects that need to be assessed, such as vision and mission, administration, quality management, human resources, curriculum, infrastructures, IT management, research collaboration, community outreach, and so on.

For information, UIN Jakarta conducted the re-accreditation process in February 2018, the accreditation process is held by involving various elements of UIN Jakarta academic community. On February 22-23, UIN Jakarta received the visit from BAN-PT Assessment team which consists of Prof. Dr. Ing Mulyadi Bur (University of Andalas), Prof. Dr. Made Sudarma SE MM (Brawijaya University), Prof. Dr. Purwanto Apt (Airlangga University), then Dr. Ahmad Yani Anshori MAg (UIN Sunan Kalijaga), and Dr Sugeng Listyo Prabowo MAg (UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim). (usa)