UIN Jakarta Conducts Public Test on Public Agency Information Disclosure
Jakarta, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta conducts Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of Public Information Openness (KIP) Public Test at the Central Information Commission (KIP) office at Wisma BSG Central Jakarta on October 31 - November 2, 2022. The presentation was made by the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis as Information Management and Documentation Officer (PPID).
Based on UIN Jakarta PR release which was received by BERITA UIN Online on Wednesday (11/02/2022), the 2022 KIP Monev entitled “Digitalisasi Keterbukaan Informasi Badan Publik dalam masa recovery Covid-19” was attended by 41 universities in Indonesia. The activity began with the submission of a report from the Acting Secretary of the Central Information Commission, Nunik Purwanti, followed by remarks from the Head of the Central Information Commission, Donny Yoesgiantoro.
In the event, university leaders explained about innovations and strategies in implementing public information services in front of an assessment team consisting of KIP members, academics, practitioners, and community organizations.
Assesment materials includes continuous innovation of public information services, strategies carried out by Public Bodies to carry out public information disclosure on an ongoing basis, and clarifications, whether sourced from questionnaire questions, input from community responses or other matters relevant to the purpose of the public test.
Rector Amany Lubis who was accompanied by the Executive Secretary of PPID, Sholehudin, greatly appreciated the Monev KIP activity in 2022 as a form of fulfilling the public's rights.
According to Rector Amany, UIN Jakarta is very serious in preparing an atmosphere of information disclosure by opening the widest possible access to information, both information that must be available at all times, available periodically, and available when there is a request, except for information that is excluded.
As a public institution, said the Chancellor, UIN Jakarta is very serious and eager to fill Monev in the last three years with an increasing sequence of achievements. For example, in 2019, UIN Jakarta received the status of “Less Informative”, 2020 “Quite Informative”, and 2021 “Towards Informative”.
“PPID team continues to work hard to fill in the 2022 E-Monev and prepare the evidence. We hope in 2022, UIN Jakarta can achieve the “Informative” status,” said Rector Amany. (df/prteam/usa)