UIN Jakarta Condemn Terrorism Act

UIN Jakarta Condemn Terrorism Act

Rectorate, UIN NEWS Online - UIN Jakarta conveyed its statement towards various acts of terrorism that occurred in the country. The attitude was conveyed by UIN Jakarta Rector Dede Rosyada through his press release received UIN NEWS Online, Tuesday (05/15/2018).

In the face of acts of terrorism such as riots in Mako Brimob Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, as well as a series of suicide bombings in Surabaya and Sidoarjo, East Java, which happened lately, the Rector delivered at least seven attitudes. First, all the academic community of UIN Jakarta also grieves and deep sympathy toward the victim and the victim's family, both the casualties and the injured.

Second, condemn all forms of terrorism, both in the form of attitude and action, which undermines the national order and Indonesian values. Third, UIN Jakarta affirms that terrorism, both in attitude and action, is not based on any religion that has taught the respect and glorification of human values.

Fourth, to support the government to take firm action against all acts of terrorism, including taking systematic, structured, and massive steps to prevent the spread of terrorism ideology. Fifth, UIN Jakarta also encourages the Ministry of Religious Affairs to strengthen the function and role of extension workers in various regions to provide information on inclusive religious tolerance and attitudes to suppress radicalism that leads to the crystallization of terrorism.

Sixth, UIN Jakarta also encourages the Ministry of Religious Affairs to strengthen its function and role in counteracting the spread of radical ideology and terrorism through the application of an inclusive curriculum in madrasah, religious universities and religious institutions in the community.

Seventh, UIN Jakarta will be committed to developing an inclusive and tolerant education according to Islamic vision of rahmatan lil'alamin. (usa)