UIN Jakarta Central Library Achieves Accreditation A

UIN Jakarta Central Library Achieves Accreditation A

Ciputat, UIN NEWS Online - UIN Jakarta central library has achieved “A” accreditation from National Library of Indonesia for its library service quality. Accreditation is obtained after a rigorous evaluation of the accreditation of the Institute of Library Accreditation, National Library of Indonesia. The self-accreditation certificate is published by National Library Number 00037 / LAP.PT / XII / 2017 dated December 20, 2017.

The news of A's accreditation was obtained by UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Amrullah Hasbana MLS after the handing over of accreditation certificate from National Library represented by Head of School Library Development and Higher Education Drs. Nurcahyono SS M.Si. The certificate handover took place at the National Library Building, Friday (2/2/2018).

"Alhamdulillah, we are very grateful for this achievement. Of course, we should also be grateful for the full support of Bapak Rector, the leaders, all librarians and staff of the Library Center. Especially for library accreditation team, "he said.

Based on UIN NEWS Online record, Central Library of UIN Jakarta previously implemented library accreditation, commencing from 13-14 December 2017 ago. Acting as assessor Drs Tisyo Haryono MLS from National Standardization Body (BSN) and Drs Nurcahyono SS M.Si from National Library of Indonesia.

Library accreditation itself aims to evaluate the extent to which libraries are able to meet specified service quality standards. Known since 2011 and then, the National Library issued a standard in measuring the quality of services of various types of libraries, including the standard library of Higher Education coded SNP 010: 2011.

Based on the policy, the college library is required to meet the established standards. Among them standards from the library collection, facilities and infrastructure services, service process, literature, organizing, management, and technology and supporting informatics.

 Improve Quality and Collection

The success of accreditation itself, Amrullah added, encourage the strengthening of the commitment of UIN Jakarta and the Central Library to intensively strengthen the quality of collections, services, and infrastructure. From the collection side, “A” accreditation becomes the demand for the development of book and journal collection, both printed and digital.

According to Amrullah, the increasing number and quality of library online journals (online journal) and electronic academic books become the needs of academic community in carrying out the three pillars of higher education. Complete facilities, strong and modern information technology support, and proportional and professional librarian resources also need to be improved.

" We need full supports from all UIN Jakarta academic community so that Central Library can provide maximum service," he concluded. (usa)