UIN Jakarta Campus Radio held RDK Roffair 2016
Theater of Da’wa, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta Campus Radio (RDK) held a yearly event entitled RDK Roffair 2016. This event was held for eleven days at campus 1 UIN Jakarta, Monday-Thursday, (10/3-13).
This event is an annual event organized by the Campus Radio of Da’wa (RDK). This year RDK Roffair theme is Let’s be Friends and followed by a wide variety of other activities.
RDK organizes numerous activities that can be followed by all students from various universities in Jakarta. The event was opened by Off-Air broadcasts competition are held for three days (10/3-5) at UIN Jakarta Student Centre (SC), and then continued by free kick futsal championship for the next three days (10/6-8), and ends with Broadcasting Seminar entitled Begin from Sound which held at the Theatre Faculty of Da'wa and Communication UIN Jakarta (11/10).
The RDK Roffair 2006 event chief organizer, Anggi, expressed her expectation for the success of this year’s RDK event.
“In this event, we hope that the RDK can be better known outside and not only within the scope of the studio alone. Regarding the theme of Let's Be Friends, we want to be closer to our audience what we call Balamuda, both internally and externally.†She said.
The 6th UIN Jakarta RDK annual event was closed on Thursday (13/10). The closure was enlivened by Roffair Music Festival 2016 held at UIN Jakarta SC field. (Irf/dmn/ika p/umar)