UIN Holds Technical Meeting on ABK Preparation
NICT Building, UIN NEWS Online- In order to implement the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform Regulation (Permenpan-RB) Number 25 of 2016 concerning Implementing Positions for Civil Servants in Government Agencies and Minister of Religion Regulation (PMA) Number 12 of 2018 concerning Executive Position Nomenclature for Civil Servants At the Ministry of Religion, UIN Jakarta is obliged to make adjustments to the position nomenclature, namely from general functional positions to executive positions.
Among one of the prerequisites for changing the nomenclature of the executive position is the need for Job Analysis (ANJAB) and Workload Analysis (ABK) which describe all the tasks and functions of each position name.
Seeing these needs, then the Section of Civil Service and Legislation (OKP) Administrative, General and Personnel Bureau (AUK) UIN Jakarta on Wednesday-Friday (1-3 / 08), held Technical Guidance (BIMTEK) for the Preparation of Workload Analysis ( ABK) located at the NICT Building, Kertamukti, Ciputat.
This was conveyed by the Head of the Organization and Management Sub-section, Joko Sukarno, SH in his office at the Central Personnel office, the Integrated Administration Center Building, Level 2, UIN Jakarta.
According to Joko, this BIMTEK activity was motivated by the lack of knowledge and skills of employees within the UIN Jakarta area in the preparation of the Workload Analysis (ABK). Therefore, the presence of BIMTEK activities is very appropriate to increase the knowledge, understanding and skills of participants in the preparation of the correct ABK and in accordance with applicable regulations. What's more, if later, the nomenclature of the Executive Position based on PMA number 12 of 2018 has been determined by the Chancellor, so that the preparation of the correct ABK is absolutely necessary.
This BIMTEK activity was symbolically opened by the Head of General Administration and Personnel Bureau (AUK) UIN Jakarta, Dr. Rudi Subiyantoro MSi which was attended by 30 participants from representatives of each faculty and institution. This activity presented several key informants, namely the Head of the Bureau of Ortala, the Ministry of Religion Central, Drs Afrizal Zein, M.Si and the Head of Organization Arrangement and Analysis of Position I, Wildan Hasan Syadzili SThI, MEd.
In his presentation, Afrizal Zein for example said that the drafting of the ABK must be carried out correctly in accordance with the applicable provisions because ABK would be the main prerequisite for the preparation of the Position Information System and later it would be used to determine the class position, grade and nominal remuneration for each position. While Wildan said that the drafting of the ABK had to put forward a detailed job description in accordance with the duties and functions it had, said Joko.
The presence of BIMTEK which presents some important informants is expected to be a means of improving the knowledge and skills of participants in the better ABK preparation. (usa-rs)