Two student teams of FST UIN Jakarta occupy the Top 15 of the Bangkit Program

Two student teams of FST UIN Jakarta occupy the Top 15 of the Bangkit Program

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Two teams of students from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) UIN Jakarta managed to occupy the Top 15 Final Capstone Project, Bangkit Program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). Each team is rewarded with an incentive of USD 5,000 or the equivalent of Rp. 70 million with an additional opportunity to receive an additional USD 10,000 in grant funds.

This was said by official release of FST UIN Jakarta, quoted by UIN News Online on Wednesday (07/21/2021). Their achievements were announced directly by Minister of Education and Technology Nadiem Makarim last week.

The first team, consisting of two students of the Informatics Engineering Study Program, FST UIN Jakarta, namely Bayu Aji Setyawan, Faishal Rayyan as well as one student from another university are succeeded in making the Reading application. The application with the theme 'Education and Research' was created as a learning platform to improve literacy skills in Indonesia. The application is designed in the form of a game with Deep Learning technology. The goal is that users get a pleasant experience while using the application.

The second team consisted of Muhamad Dio Damiyati from the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Vahiya Prananta from the Information Systems Study Program and two students from other universities. This team created an application with the theme of Economic Resilience called Kaki Keenam.

The application was created as a digital platform to bring together traveling merchants with their buyers. Through the map and notification system, buyers buyers can track the merchants.

The Bangkit Program 2021 itself starts on February 15, 2021 with around 700 hours of activity. This program was attended by around 3,000 students from various universities in Indonesia. The program itself is in collaboration with Google, Gojek, Tokopedia, and Traveloka.

During the 700 hours of activity, the program offers four learning sections, namely Machine Learning, Android Mobile Development, Artificial Intelligence, and Cloud Computing. At the end of the activity, the participants made a final project or Final Capstone Project. As part of the Merdeka Belajar – Merdeka Campus (MBKM) activity, this learning can be converted into a maximum of 20 Semester Credit Units (SKS).

Dean of FST UIN Jakarta Nasrul Hakiem expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the achievements made by FST students. “Congratulations. Hopefully this useful activity can inspire the community,” he said. (usa/zm)