Three amazing women will deliver their speech at the PSGA international seminar

Three amazing women will deliver their speech at the PSGA international seminar

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Two idonesian female Minister, namely  I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati (Indonesian Minister for Women Empowerment), Ida Fauziyah (Indonesian Minister of Manpower), and Lena Mariana Mukti (Indonesian Ambasaddor to Kuwait) are scheduled to deliver their speech at the Center for the Study of Gender and Child (PSGA) international seminar titled “ titled “Peran Perempuan Dalam Era Society 5.0” on Wednesday,(12/22/2021) at the Harun Nasution Auditorium, campus I of UIN Jakarta.

As previously reported, the Head of PSGA UIN Jakarta Ulfah Fajarini said that the seminar aims to increase women’s role in building civilization and cooperation between countries as well as in various other fields, such as education, economy, family, and world peace in the era of Society 5.0.

Ulfah also emphasized that Society 5.0 was created as a solution to Industrial Revolution 4.0 which was feared to degrade humanity and human character. Therefore, in the era of Society 5.0, character values must be developed, empathy and tolerance must be fostered along with the development of competence and critical, innovative, and creative thinking.

For information, international seminar will be opened by the Rector of UIN Jakarta, Amany Lubis. In addition with international seminar, this activity will also be filled with the launch of two books and a photo exhibition by Amany Lubis, and honorary doctoral conferment ceremony to Indonesian Muslim feminist activist Lies Marcoes. (usa)