Two Academics of UIN Jakarta were appointed as BAZNAS officials
Jakarta, UIN News Online – Two academics of UIN Jakarta were appointed to filled the BAZNAS top level management position for the period of 2020-2025. They are Muhamad Nadratuzzaman Hosen and Rizaludin Kurniawan. The two were appointed by the Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas along with nine other people at the office the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs, Jakarta on Wednesday (12/30/2020).
Apart from Nadratuzzaman and Rizaludin, there are nine other officials who were also inaugurated, namely Noor Achmad (Chairman), Mokhamad Mahdum (Deputy Chairman), Zainulbahar Noor (Member), Saidah Sakwan (Member), Nur Chamdani (Member), Achmad Sudrajat (Member). Others, Kamaruddin Amin (Member), Suminto (Member), and Muhamad Hudori (Member).
Nadratuzzaman is a lecturer at the Sharia Banking Doctoral Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business or FEB UIN Jakarta. He embraced his master's and doctoral degree in economics from the University of New England, Australia, he teaches a number of subjects such as Institutional Economics, Economic Statistics, and Quantitative Research Methodology.
Apart from teaching, Nadratuzzaman is also trusted to be one of the Chairpersons of the Sharia Economic Community, President of the World Halal Council, General Treasurer of the Central Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), and Director of the National Sharia Council-MUI Institute. He also actively published dozens of books and hundreds of scientific articles.
Meanwhile, Rizaludin is an academic at UIN Jakarta who teaches at the Islamic Broadcasting Communication Study Program, FIDIKOM UIN Jakarta. He embraced his Masters in Political Science from the University of Indonesia. He teaches several courses such as Mass Media Industry Management, Mass Communication Theory, National Press History, and Journalism.
Outside of his teaching activities, Rizaludin is also active in the development of creative economy and social philanthropy. For the development of the creative economy, he once founded and developed the Creative Economy Center of UIN Jakarta. While in the field of philanthropy, Rizal was once appointed as Director of Collection and Distribution of LAZISMU, an organization for collecting philanthropic funds and distributing them for the community economic empowerment.
Meanwhile, the Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas asked BAZNAS to maintain its commitment to publicity, nationality and humanity. “As an institution that collects people's funds from time to time, BAZNAS must be able to provide optimal benefits for the people,” he said.
He also asked BAZNAS staff to always pay attention to consider three important things in managing community philanthropic funds, namely by maintaining public trust, providing convenience for muzakki and mustahiq according to the provisions, and securing zakat funds that are collected and managed, both by BAZNAS and all Amil Zakat Institutions according to the principle of sharia compliance, legality, accountability, justice, expediency, and propriety. (usa/zm)