Transportation Agency Will Build Bus Stop on PPG Bojongsari
Bojongsari, UIN News Online – On Monday, April 6, 2020, Transportation Agency (Dishub) officials visited the PPG FITK UIN Jakarta Building to inspect the locations where bus stops will be built. The visit was received by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Cooperation Dr. Khalimi MAg accompanied by the Head of Administrative Section Imam Thobroni SE and the Head of General Administration Sub Division A Fuqoha MM.
After the meeting, Khalimi explained to the UIN NEWS Online team, that this visit was a follow-up to the realization of the collaboration between FITK and the Transportation Agency that had been previously established.
“There were guests from the Transportation Agency regarding student comfort on the road,” said Khalimi.
Dishub facilitates students' comfort gradually. Starting from the bus stop and others will be scheduled next. For the location of this bus stop, he added, Dishub did not budget for equalization, and hardening the location of the bus stops.
“FITK will immediately submit a letter of request to the leadership of UIN Jakarta to level and harden the location of shelters, Insha Allah, the shelters will be built mid or late this May,” he concluded (usa/mf)