Translation Study Program Encourages Implementation of OBE Curriculum
FAH UIN News Online — The Translation Study Program of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a workshop aimed at refining the 2020 curriculum of the Translation Study Program towards an Outcome-Based Education (OBE) curriculum.
The workshop, which was attended by Vice Dean I, Dr. Ida Farida, MLIS, as well as lecturers and several representatives of Translation students, took place in the meeting room on the 2nd floor of FAH UIN Jakarta on Tuesday, (17/07/2024).
The Dean of FAH UIN Jakarta, Dr. Ade Abdul Hak, S.Ag., S.S., M.Hum., CIQnR., supported the dissemination and review of the Translation Study Program curriculum. Dr. Ade emphasized the importance of innovation in education to prepare graduates to face technological advancements and contribute to the workforce.
Prof. Darsita S, M.Hum., Head of the Translation Study Program, stated that the Translation Study Program, being the only one of its kind in Indonesia, must reevaluate its curriculum to keep up with technological and knowledge advancements related to translation.
The keynote speaker, OBE Curriculum Developer, Dr. Muhammad Yunus Anis, S.S., highlighted that the OBE curriculum is intended to focus education on outcomes or achievements rather than just the material to be completed. Thus, the OBE curriculum is designed based on the needs of graduates in the workplace.
According to Dr. Yunus, the Translation Study Program should conduct a tracer study to communicate with alumni who are already working. This activity is crucial to determine how relevant the education provided is to the needs of the job market.
“Support from stakeholders is essential for the success of this tracer study,” said Dr. Yunus.
The relationship between the study program and stakeholders is mutually beneficial. Tracer studies help the study program improve the quality of education according to industry needs. Meanwhile, stakeholders gain information about the skills required by the workforce.
In addition to presentations on the OBE curriculum and discussions by Translation lecturers, Dr. Yunus supported the positive aspects of the Translation Study Program curriculum and provided constructive feedback for future curriculum development.
(Nala Zakina Zuhaida/Zaenal M/Raihan Lail Ramadhan/Photo: Rafi Naufal Azmi)