Transforming into PTN BH, UIN Jakarta Conducts Hearing to Mensesneg RI
Setneg Office, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta continues its effort on transforming into Legal Entity State University (PTN BH) by conducting hearings, coordination, and consolidation to various related ministries / institutions. On June 2018, the leadership and PTN BH team of UIN Jakarta conducted a hearing with the Minister of State Secretary of Indonesia Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc.
The hearing, led by Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA and PTN BH Preparation Team Leader Prof Dr Murodi MA. Also present in the event, a number of PTN BH team members such as Dr. Arief Subhan, Dr. Arief Mufraini, Dr. Ali Munhanif, Kholis Ridho M.Si, Rachmat Baihaky MA, Muchlas Noor Hidayat S.Sos.I, and Yudi S.Sos.I.
During the meeting, the team presented the goal of transformation of institutional status of UIN Jakarta from Public Service Board (BLU) to PTN BH, including the feasibility and reason of its transformation to the State Secretary.
“Institutional transformation of UIN Jakarta is needed to support the academic development, such as the autonomy of study program scientific development. Transformation is also needed to support UIN Jakarta to collaborate in science and humanities research with various stakeholders,” said Rector.
Transformation itself, Dede continued, has been supported by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia and the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. "Hopefully, we also get support from the Ministry of State Secretary and of course Mr. President," he hoped.
In response, Pratikno himself welcomed and expressed his readiness to assist the process. "As Minister, I give appreciation to UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, and in principle, I am waiting for the incoming letter (from UIN Jakarta to the President, ed.)," he explained.
Furthermore, Pratikno also convey the mandate of President of RI Ir Joko Widodo for universities such as UIN Jakarta to start developing studies that support the regional economy through the development of the superior local commodities. The development of this study, he explained, can be done in cooperation with stakeholders, ranging from national-global-scale investors, industry, research, and local bureaucracy.
“For example, the idea of Mr. President for the campus to make the Faculty of Coffee during the meeting of Rectors Forum in Makassar, it is one form of synergy between the campus with the needs of industry,” said Pratikno. (usa)