Towards Honest and Fair Elections

Towards Honest and Fair Elections

Prof. Dr. Imam Subchi, M.A,

Professor of Anthropology of Religion and Vice Rector 2 of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

February 14 2024 is a historic date for this country. At that time, people throughout the country will flock to elect leaders for the next five years. Even though the election time is short and simple, namely by simply voting on a picture of the presidential candidate, this will have a big impact on the future continuity of this country. This also has an impact on the conditions of honesty and justice in society in filling the democratic climate that it has enjoyed for a long time.

Honest and fair elections play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of democracy in Indonesia. This process is not just a formal ritual, but rather the main foundation for citizens to express their political rights freely and fairly. Honesty and fairness in holding elections guarantees that each individual's vote has equal weight without discrimination or political manipulation. Thus, elections become the main instrument for the people in choosing leaders and determining the future direction of the country.

Apart from that, honest and fair elections also play an important role in building government legitimacy. A transparent and fair election process helps strengthen the credibility of elected leaders, so that they have strong legitimacy to carry out government duties. This legitimacy provides a solid basis for the government to implement policies that support people's welfare and handle various issues and challenges faced by the country.

Not only that, honest and fair elections also function as guardians of political and social stability. By having an election process that is free from fraud, the potential for political conflict to damage the country's stability can be minimized. This helps create an environment conducive to the country's growth and development, and promotes peace and harmony among various groups in society.

Holding honest and fair elections is also a reflection of the principles of justice and the supremacy of law in the political system. When the election process is carried out with integrity, this will strengthen public trust in democratic institutions and the applicable rules. This encourages the growth of a culture of law and justice which is a strong foundation for the advancement of democracy in Indonesia.

History has a long chapter for contemporary human learning. Justice and honesty in choosing leaders can be known since the time of the khulafaurrasyidin, namely the leaders who replaced the Prophet Muhammad who were intelligent and wise. Among the four known caliphs, there is one name that is appropriate to discuss this theme, namely Ali bin Abi Talib, the fourth caliph.


Ali bin Abi Talib is a figure who played an important role in early Islamic history, especially in the context of leadership and justice. After the leadership period of the three previous caliphs, namely Abu Bakr, Umar bin Khattab, and Uthman bin Affan, Ali was appointed as the fourth caliph. Ali received this title not only because of his closeness to the Prophet Muhammad, but also because of his reputation as a figure who adheres to the principles of justice and honesty.

Ali's leadership as caliph occurred at a very critical time in the history of the Islamic community. The Arab nation at that time was divided by internal conflicts and political disputes that threatened the stability and unity of the people. In this turbulent situation, Ali succeeded in upholding justice and honesty as the main pillars of his leadership. He emphasized the importance of resolving conflicts fairly and avoiding arbitrary actions that could worsen the situation.

Ali Muhammad Ash-Shallabi tells in his book Biography of Ali Bin Abi Talib (published 2019) Before his election as the fourth caliph, Ali bin Abi Talib experienced various obstacles and obstacles that blocked his path to leadership.

Even though he had a close family relationship with the Prophet Muhammad, not everyone in Arab society at that time wanted him to become caliph. Intense political competition among Muslims means that many parties have different preferences and choices for caliph. Apart from that, there are also groups who view Ali as a figure who is too harsh and radical in his political views, giving rise to distrust in his ability to lead inclusively and harmoniously.

The period after the murder of Uthman bin Affan was a very difficult time for Ali. Uthman's murder triggered a political and social crisis known in Islamic history as the First Civil War. During this period, Ali had to fight hard to restore Muslim faith in the importance of leadership and stability in the state.

He tried hard to unite Muslims under the banner of justice and truth, and proved his commitment and ability as a leader who was able to handle internal challenges and conflicts wisely and fairly.

However, Ali not only experienced obstacles from outside, but also from within the circle of power. Not all of the Prophet Muhammad's friends or important figures in Arab society at that time fully supported him. This adds to the complexity of the political situation he faces and requires him to undergo a complicated and stressful political process.

Despite this, Ali managed to overcome various obstacles and take a strong role in leading the Muslim ummah towards a more stable and unified direction, despite all the challenges that existed.

Even though the times are different, the general election in Indonesia this year is no different from the story of Ali who assumed leadership. Genius, intelligence and worthiness are indeed possessed by each potential leader, but we also need a track record of leaders who are fair and honest and how they have practiced these virtuous practices in the past.

Choosing leaders is certainly not just a matter of seeds, costs and weight, but it is also important to consider their concerns about society. Abu Bakr as-Siddik, the first caliph, once stated, "Amma ba'du, O people, I have actually been appointed as your leader, even though I am not the best among you, if I do good, support me. On the other hand, if I make a mistake, correct me." Does such a policy exist in our future leaders? Let's wait for time to answer.

(This article has been published on the page: 10/2/2024 18:43)