To Perform Program Acceleration, FITK Form Workgroups
FITK, UIN NEWS Online- In order to accommodate UIN Jakarta work program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) holds a Working Group (Pokja) meeting to accelerate the implementation of the faculty program on time.
The seven-team workgroups were established based on FITK Dean Decree No. B-21A / F.1 / KP.07.1 / II / 2018 dated February 9, 2018. The Workgroup will handle seven main activities in FITK, Teacher Professional Education Proposal, Strategic, Profile, Lecturer Discussion and Scientific Integration Study, National and International Seminar and Scientific Workshop Formula.
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs FITK UIN Jakarta Muhammad Zuhdi MED PhD who chaired the meeting explained the main task that will be done seven teams, especially PPG program that will be implemented next month.
"FITK has been asked to prepare the PPG Religious proposal by MORA (Ministry of Religious Affairs), because the activity will be held this March," said Zuhdi in front of 48 members of FITK faculty team on Wednesday (02/28/2018) at FITK 2nd Meeting Room, campus I of UIN Jakarta.
Completion of the curriculum, continued Zuhdi, is very urgent to be solved immediately. The reason is that PPG implemented includes PPG In Position and PPG Pre-position.
"These two curriculums must be perfected immediately to be submitted to the Ministry of Religious Affairs, especially synchronization of curriculum content among study program," he added.
In the future, said Zuhdi, PPG plan will stand alone into a study program (Prodi) with the name of Prodi PPG, so it will be a routine lecturer duty with the payment pattern through SKPR. Thus, he continued, lecturers will be divided into four programs, namely lecturer S1, S2, PPG and S3.
Furthermore, for Lecturer Discussion Team and Scientific Integration Study, Zuhdi explained that his task was to formulate lecturer faculty discussion activity from March to December. Last year, the lecturers 'discussion team succeeded in collecting lecturers' articles and compiling them into Bunga Rampai's books.
"We hope that in the discussion later, not only sharing, but there is a dialogue between scholars and here are nuances of integration that allow the crossing of various disciplines. After that, the compilation of his article can be published in 2019," he hoped.
Meanwhile, both the time and the place for the activity is concluded in the meeting, whereas the determination of the resource will be gathered on the next meeting. (usa)