To increase journal accreditation, Puslitpen UIN Jakarta holds training for journal administrators
Rectorate, UIN News Online – The center for research and publication (Puslitpen) UIN Jakarta holds journal management training on Tuesday (01/18/2022). The activity is expected to help the management of new journals and old journals that will apply for accreditation.
The journal management training was opened by the Head of the Puslitpen Imam Subchi by presenting the Yazid Hadi (Administrator of Rumah Jurnal UIN Jakarta) and attended by dozens of journal administrators from various faculties and study programs at UIN Jakarta.
“Improving the accreditation of scientific journals is a serious target for UIN Jakarta,” said Imam in his opening remarks.
In addition to accreditation, according to Imam, UIN Jakarta also encourages the publication of new journals within the study program. Of the total 63 study programs within UIN Jakarta, only 34 study programs have published journals.
Imam also added that Puslitpen UIN Jakarta has allocated journal assistance grants for new journals and for journals that wish to carry out the accreditation process. These grants can be used to improve OJS and and to screen quality journal articles.
Inline with Imam, Yazid also revealed that Rumah Jurnal UIN Jakarta is ready to support the publication of new journals and journals that will carry out the accreditation process.
Based on UIN News Online data, there are at least 80 journals published by study programs, faculties, and institutions. Some of these journals are accredited by SINTA or recognized as SCOPUS Journals.
These journals also have a diverse focus, such as Islamic studies, politics, medicine, to mining. Among them are the STUDIA ISLAMIKA Journal, Islamic Business Law Journal, AHKAM Journal, JOCCMES or Journal of Chemistry and Chemistry Education in Muslim Society and Al-Fiziya: Journal of Materials Science, Geophysics, Instrumentation and Theoretical Physics. (fadhlan/zm/usa)