To Formulate the Development of 21st Century Curriculum, FITK Holds Semiloka
FITK, UIN News Online – The Department of Islamic Education (PAI) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) UIN Jakarta invited 102 participants at the National Seminar and Workshop (Semiloka) on Monday-Tuesday (11/13-14/2017) at FITK Theater, Campus I of UIN Jakarta.
“We invite department heads and PAI lecturer representatives from both State and Private Islamic Universities throughout Indonesia, from UIN (6 persons), IAIN (14 people), STAIN (32 people) and STAIS (20 persons)," said Chairman of the Committee Dr. Majid Khon MA in his speech.
According to Majid, PAI UIN Jakarta deliberately invites department heads so they can socialize the results of this national seminar, to the lecturers who teach in their respective universities.
The implementation of this activity, he continued, is intended to formulate the development of PAI teacher education curriculum for the 21st century in the context of pre-service Teacher Professional Education (PPG), to develop the PAI curriculum in madrasah and schools, and to provide any input on policy and implementation within the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia (Kemenag RI).
“The study of PAI curriculum is very important, additionally, this semiloka is a part of educators effort to develop the 21st century professional PPG organizer institute in Kemenag RI environment.
The event titled "Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Guru PAI di Abad 21" was opened by Vice Dean for Academic Affairs FITK UIN Jakarta Dr. M Zuhdi MEd representing Dean of FITK Prof Dr Ahmad Thib Raya MA. Rector of UIN Jakarta, Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA also deliver the keynote speech in this event.
The event also invited several speakers, namely Director General of Islamic Education (Pendis) Kemenag RI Prof Dr Kamarudin Amin MA, Secretary ISPI UPI Bandung Prof. Dr. Arman MPd, Chairman of PSPI / Rector of UIN Bandung Prof. Dr. Mahmud MSi and Chairman LP3M UNJ Dr Totok Bintoro MPd.
At the end of the event, Dr. Abdul Majid Khan MA was elected as Chairman of the Indonesian PAI Prodi Association (PP PAI) and was inaugurated by the Director of Directorate of Higher Education (Diktis) Kemenag RI Dr Imam Syafii MPd. (usa)