To Counteract Radicalism, LDK Syahid UIN Jakarta Synergized With Indonesian Police

To Counteract Radicalism, LDK Syahid UIN Jakarta Synergized With Indonesian Police

Harun Nasution Auditorium, UIN News Online – Student Activity Unit (UKM) Campus Da’wah Institution (LDK) Syahid UIN Jakarta along with Indonesian Police (Polri) will synergize in counteracting Radicalism by instilling the values of Pancasila by holding a public discussion entitled “Operasi Bina Waspada Jaya 2017,” Monday, (9/11/2017), at Harun Nasution Auditorium, Campus I of UIN Jakarta.

Indonesian Police Representative said that UIN Jakarta as Islamic University that is able to reduce the seeds of terrorism and radicalism in Indonesia, this is because terrorism and radicalism are the result of a lack of understanding of religion.

LDK Syahid as an Islamic organization will also contribute in eradicating the seeds of Radicalism and Terrorism in Indonesia.

Islam is a religion of peace, In addition, we must also maintain the unity and tolerance in Indonesia,” said the Chairman of LDK Syahid UIN Jakarta Mus’ab Izzudin.

According to Mus’ab, NKRI is a country full of tolerance although Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim majority in the world.

“We maintain inter-religious tolerance, one of which is at the time of 212 actions, when Muslims helped the non-Muslim couples who want to hold a wedding at the cathedral,” he added.

In addition, Mus'ab also hopes that the police involve students in maintaining the integrity of Indonesia.

Public Discussion held by UIN Syarif Hidayatullah in cooperation with the Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia is attended by all SMEs forum in UIN Jakarta. (usa)