To Boost Scientific Publications, FU-HIPIUS Strengthens Synergy
FU, UIN NEWS Online— Faculty of Ushuluddin (FU) UIN Jakarta signed a script of acceleration of writing scientific articles with the Central Board of the Association of Scientists Ushuluddin (HIPIUS). Cooperation agreement was conducted to encourage the writing and publication of scientific articles among lecturers and researchers of Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Jakarta.
The signing of the cooperation agreement was done by the Dean of FU Prof. Dr. Masri Mansoer M. Ag and Chairman of HIPIUS Dr. Amin Nurdin MA in Building FU, Thursday (18/1/2018). The signing was witnessed by the vice deans, heads and secretaries of Faculty of Ushuluddin.
In his speech, Masri hopes the synergy of FU and HIPIUS able to facilitate the acceleration process of scientific writing of lecturers and FU researchers. Moreover, the requirement to write and publish scientific articles in accredited journals has become the duty of the lecturers.
"The biggest challenge for FU is how to improve its writing and publishing activities in accredited national journals and indexed international journals. We hope this cooperation can answer the challenge, "he explained.
On the other side, Amin herself welcomed the strengthening of synergy between FU and HIPIUS. HIPIUS, called Amin, is ready to provide strengthening and facilitation of academic writing activities of FU lecturers. "We welcome the strengthening of this synergy. Hopefully this will contribute to strengthening the academic climate of Faculty of Ushuluddin, "he added.
Since its foundation, HIPIUS itself has published a journal of Ushuluddin Science published twice in a year since 2011. The journal contains articles in the field of Islamic Philosophy, Kalām, Western Philosophy, Comparative Religion, Tafsir, Hadīts, Religion Studies. Journal of Ushuluddin Science itself has succeeded in achieving national accreditation.