To Boost Scientific Publication and IPR, Puslitpen Granted 216 Research Titles
Puslitpen, UIN NEWS Online— UIN Jakarta through the Center for Research and Publication (Puslitpen) Allocate grant for financing research of faculty lecturers in fiscal year 2017 worth Rp 13,475 billion. The allocation of grant funds could increase to Rp 13.825 - 13.925 billion as Puslitpen will re-allocate grant funds for doctoral and doctoral research valued at Rp 350-450 million.
The allocation of research grants up to Rp 13.475 billion with potential increase to Rp 13.925 billion is expected to boost the number of scientific publications in accredited national journals and recognized international journals. In addition, the funds allocated are also made to encourage the increase in the number of research certified Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
This was conveyed by Head of Puslitpen Wahdi Sayuti MA to NEWS UIN Online, Tuesday (1/8/2017). "The allocation of research grants is in accordance with research development policies that support the publication of scientific papers and intellectual property products from UIN lecturers," he said.
According to the lecturer of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, the allocation of Rp 13.475 billion has already been done through eight letters of rector according to the number of research clusters offered. The eight clusters and the allocation of each allocation are beginner research Rp 400 million, institutional governance Rp 1.49 billion, scientific integration Rp 1.39 billion, general science Rp 1.76 billion. Furthermore, Islamic studies Rp 1.98 billion, Intellectual Property Rights Rp 1.45 billion, cooperation between universities Rp 1.72 billion, and international cooperation Rp 3.27 billion.
"Alhamdulillah, for the eight clusters, we have screened strictly and selected 216 research proposals," he said.
Wahdi explained the detail as follows, 20 titles for beginner research cluster, 30 titles for institutional governance, 28titles for integration of science and 40 titles for science development. Furthermore, 34 titles for the cluster of Islamic studies, Intellectual Property Rights 23 titles, cooperation between universities 21 titles, and international cooperation 20 titles.
Specifically for international cooperation cluster, Wahdi added, the research that implemented International Collaborative Research mechanism experienced an increase in both the titles and the involved academics. Because it involves lecturers from almost all lecturers in UIN Jakarta, this research scheme is also conducted together with academia from dozens of universities of the world.
In the notes recorded, several academics involved came from Fukuoka University Japan, University of Ibnu Thufail Morocco, University of Oxford, Wageningen University, and American University of Washington. Some of them are like Kevin Fogg and Willem J. Boot.
"This is an interesting case and can support international recognition of UIN Jakarta," he said.
Facilitate the Student’s Research
Meanwhile, Wahdi continued, the research grant funds will increase in the range of Rp 350-450 million so that the total research fund managed by Puslitpen this year could reach Rp 13.825 - 13.925 billion. This increase is possible because Puslitpen from this year started to allocate research grants for students of Master and Doctoral program of UIN Jakarta.
Beside to boost research activities among students according to appropriate research mechanism, this policy is taken to increase the number of scientific publications UIN Jakarta. "In addition to getting used to doing research properly, this policy is intended for the quantity of publication of research results, especially from S2 and S3 students," he explained.
Rector Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada MA previously stated that the allocation of research funding is a commitment to keep the scientific and scientific publication activities and certification of intellectual property rights in UIN Jakarta. For that, hopefully, the grantee lecturers can really carry out their research obligations well to produce scientific publications and useful scientific products. (usa)