This Weekend: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta to Inaugurate 2,183 Graduates
Rectorate, UIN News Online- 2,183 new graduates of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta are scheduled to be inaugurated in the 130th Undergraduate Graduation Open Senate Session which lasts for two days, Saturday-Sunday (26-27/11/2023), at the Harun Nasution Auditorium. Their inauguration as graduates is outlined in the Decree of the Rector of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Number 1640 of 2023 concerning the Participants and Best Participants of the 130th Graduation Program of Bachelor Program, Master Program, and Doctoral Program of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Academic Year 2023/2024.
Data from the Academic Section of the Bureau of Academic Administration, Student Affairs and Cooperation (AAKK Bureau) received by UIN News Online, Friday (24/11/2023), prospective graduates who will be inaugurated on Saturday, (26/11/2023), reached 1,107 people. In details, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Keguruan Sciences graduated 322 graduates, consisting of 272 Bachelor Strata (S1) and 50 Masters students.
Then, the Faculty of Sharia and Law will inaugurate 178 prospective graduates and consists of 147 undergraduate students and 31 Masters students. Meanwhile, the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah will graduate 49 students consisting of 41 undergraduate students and 8 Masters students. The Faculty of Psychology has 130 prospective graduates, 118 undergraduate and 12 master students.
The same decree appendix adds that the Faculty of Economics and Business will also inaugurate 203 prospective graduates. A total of 191 undergraduate students will graduate, namely from the Management Study Program 40 people, Accounting Study Program 13 people, Development Economics Studies as many as 21 people, Sharia Banking 55 people and Sharia Economics totaling 32 people.
"Then, new graduates from the Master of Sharia Banking Program are 7 people and the Doctoral Program in Sharia Banking is 5 people," the attachment to the Rector's Decree reads.
In addition, the Faculty of Health Sciences will also inaugurate 147 students. Likewise, the Postgraduate School of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta successfully graduated 78 graduates consisting of 26 Masters students and 52 Doctoral Students.
On the second day, Sunday (27/11/2023), 1,706 students will also be inaugurated at the 130th undergraduate graduation. Faculty of Adab and Humanities inaugurated 232 students, consisting of 227 undergraduate students.
"S1 consists of Arabic Language and Literature Study Program as many as 52 people, History and Islamic Civilization 26 people, Tarjamah Study Program 29 people, English Literature 68 people, and 52 students from Library Science" info obtained by UIN News from the Central Academic Section.
In addition, the Faculty of Adab and Humanities will inaugurate 3 Master students of Arabic Language and Literature and 2 Master students of Islamic History and Culture.
On the same day, Faculty of Ushuluddin will inaugurate 177 students consisting of 143 undergraduate students, Master of Religious Studies as many as 3 people, Master of Aqidah Islamic Philosophy 8 people, Master of Koranic Science and Tafsir as many as 23 people.
Information from the Rector's Decree states that the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences on the second day of the 130th Undergraduate Graduation Ceremony will release 294 students consisting of 284 undergraduate programs. Islamic Broadcasting Communication Study Program as many as 125 people, while Journalism and Islamic Guidance will inaugurate 22 students each.
While the Da'wah Management Program is 39 people, besides the Islamic Community Development as many as 23 students and Social Welfare as many as 53 people. Master of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting as many as 10 people. Meanwhile, the Faculty of Science and Technology graduated 249 students consisting of 247 undergraduate students and 2 Masters in Agri Business.
From the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, 116 graduates will also be inaugurated on the second day of the 130th undergraduate graduation. The details are 43 people from the Sociology Study Program, 28 people from the Political Science Study Program, and 45 people from the International Relations Study Program.
While at this 130th Undergraduate Graduation, the Faculty of Medicine will inaugurate 8 students. The total number of undergraduate programs that will be inaugurated is 1,941 people, 185 master programs and 57 doctoral programs (Farah NH/ZM).