These three patents encourage UIN Jakarta to win ADIKTIS 2021
Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta has won the overall champion status of the 2021 Islamic Religious Higher Education Achievement Appreciation (ADIKTIS) 2021. One of them is in the category of Islamic religious colleges with the highest number of patents.
It is known, the Ministry of Religion awarded UIN Jakarta as the overall champion of ADIKTIS 2021 on Friday (12/10//2021). Of the 16 categories of winners, UIN Jakarta won in five categories, namely “PTKI with the highest percentage of an “A” accreditation status for study programs”, “PTKI with the most professors”, “PTKI with the most reputable journals”, “PTKIN with the most international level achieving students”, and “PTKI with the most patents”.
The data from the ADIKTIS 2021 committee states that UIN Jakarta has three patents at the same time making it an Islamic religious higher education institution with the most patents.
One of them is heavy metal adsorbent using Sargassum Crassifolium. This work has become a patent from Professor Lily Surayya Eka Putri, a research lecturer at the Faculty of Science and Technology as well as the Vice For for Cooperation and Institutional Development at UIN Jakarta.
Next, the formulation of Hard Capsule Shell from Goatskin Gelatin and Its Preparation Method. This work which already has a patent was developed by Doctor Zilhadia, a research lecturer as well as the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Jakarta.
Finally, the composition of the Destruction of Organic Waste and the Manufacturing Process. This work with patent rights was developed by Doctor Elpawati, Assoc Professor of the Agribusiness Masters Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Jakarta.
Meanwhile, the Director General of Islamic Education at the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, hopes that ADIKTIS' achievements can motivate higher education institutions to improve the quality of education and services in order to educate the nation's future generation.
“Hopefully this ADIKTIS award will motivate and inspire all PTKI to improve the quality and services for our community,” said Ali. (zm/usa)