These are the 4 Steps of Religious Education Curriculum Reconstruction
Brunei Darussalam, UIN News Online – Along with the development of technology and information (IT) era, the identity of Religious Teachers (Islam) continues to be a subject of concern and conversation. This is not because religious education is the only "character builder" of the learners or religious scholars, but “religious education” is identified with something “conservative”, and textual.
This was conveyed by Deputy Dean of Student Affairs FITK UIN Jakarta Dr Fauzan in his facebook page while he conducting an academic cooperation initiation trip with Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seribegawan Brunei Darussalam, Monday, (10/16/2017) along with Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA, Vice Rector for Cooperation Prof Dr Murodi MA, Head of Research and Publishing Center and Director of Madrasah Pembangunan Dr Bahrissalim.
“This perspective will certainly have implications for less creative and innovative ways of learning. If it left unchecked, teaching or education is no more than just delivering information (da'wah) that has no traces whatsoever,” said Fauzan.
Higher Education Institution (PT), he continued, especially the Teachers Training Higher Institution (LPTK) and The Faculty of Educational Sciences (FITK), which is considered as an institution that has a mandate to generate teachers, currently needs to reconstruct the preparation of religious education curriculum for the future.
He explained, the steps than need to be taken are, first, clarify the profile of graduates, Second, emphasize the learning process (accuracy in choosing the model / strategy / learning method). Third, strengthen the content of teaching materials / materials, religious teachers (at least) must master the classical Arabic script (Kitab Kuning), and the last is conducting an assessment.
“Therefore, the inputs of the religious teachers should be differentiated, and there should be special treatment, such as strengthening in Arabic or English, al-Turas study, and so on,” said educational doctor graduated from University of Education Indonesia (UPI) Bandung in 2015.
Even if religious teachers must have licenses or professional guarantees through the Teacher Professional Education Program (PPG) in Indonesia (policy implications of Law No. 14/2005) or Advanced Diploma in Brunei Darussalam, he continued, the strengthening of pedagogic content or teaching skill and mastery of teaching materials still need to be prepared carefully at Undergraduate level (S1) for Primary / Secondary / Upper School level. in Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Sri Begawan (KUPU SB) itself, the preparation of religious teachers of "Aliyah" level must be from S2 graduates.
He also added, the profession of religious teachers is "unique", in addition to having the obligation to deliver material that is "definitely" dogmatic, but at other times, religious teachers must also continue to adapt to the rapid progress of information technology which is irreversible. (usa)