The Rector of UIN Jakarta participate in Discussion on State Policy Restoration

The Rector of UIN Jakarta participate in Discussion on State Policy Restoration

Jakarta, UIN News Online – Representing the academic community, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis contributed her thoughts at the Focus Group Discussion event or entitled “Restorasi Haluan Negara dalam Paradigma Pancasila” on Monday (11/09/2020).  According to Amany, the development planning system needs to be restructured so that the direction of national development can be more comprehensive. Apart from professor Amany, the FGD held by the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly in collaboration with the Indonesian Rectorss Forum, the Political Science Association, the National Alliance, and the Indonesian Academy of Sciences also presented a number of speakers such as Prof. Dr. Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro, Prof. Dr. Karomani, Prof. Dr. Asep Warlan Yusuf, Dr. M. Isnaeni Ramdhan, Prof. Dr. Nandang A. Deliarnoor, and Dr. KH. As'ad Said Ali. The discussion, which was officially opened by the Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, Bambang Soesatyo, was held in response to the MPR RI's suggestion on the importance of revitalizing the State Policy Guidelines or GBHN as a national development direction. The future national development is deemed necessary to be carried out in accordance with long-term development guidelines. Amany herself considered that the national development planning system needed to be restructured through strengthening the role of the MPR RI. "It is necessary to restructure the national development planning system through the MPR," she said. This role can be realized by introducing a regulation that guarantees the sustainability of the implementation of the Pancasila democratic system and the Pancasila economic system. “This is an effort to develop socio-political institutions in order to strengthen the nation's sovereignty based on the fourth principle of Pancasila,” said Rector Amany (usa/zm)