The Rector of UIN Jakarta discusses the transformation of UIN Jakarta into PTN BH with the Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs
Jakarta, UIN News Online – The Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis discusses the transformation of UIN Jakarta into Legal Entity State University (PTN BH) with the Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs Fachrul Razi at the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs office Jakarta on Wednesday (12/03/2020). Also present in the meeting, the Director General of Islamic Education Ali Ramdani
Accompanied by the Vice Rector of General Administration Ahmad Rodoni, Rector said that the public's interest to study at UIN Jakarta this year has exceeded expectations.
“This year, we accepted about we accepted more than 6,500 new students. During this pandemic, we accepted as many students as possible, especially from schools fostered by UIN Jakarta. Because we provide the widest possible opportunity for the millennial generation to study at UIN Jakarta, including in providing various scholarships.
Regarding the status transformation plan, said Amany Lubis, the progress has been carried out since 2017 on the instruction of the Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs. In 2018, In 2018, the assessment team from the Ministry of Finance has also assessed these submissions.
“If this is realized, UIN Jakarta will become the first PTKIN to hold this status and UIN Jakarta will be equal to the leading PTNs in Indonesia,” said Rector.
Meanwhile the Director General of Islamic Education Ali Ramdani added that PTN-BH is one of the highest grades in higher education management. PTN-BH is allowed to open their own study programs, can manage finances more flexibly, and can provide more welfare for the community.
Several PTNs that already have legal entity status, continued Ali Ramdani, include the University of Indonesia (UI), the Indonesian Education University (UPI), the University of North Sumatra (USU), the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Gadjah University Mada (UGM), and Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS).
In Response, the Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs Fachrul Razi will provide his support to UIN Jakarta to transform into Legal Entity State University (PTN BH). “UIN Jakarta is eligible to be promoted to PTN BH, and can be a role model for other PTKIN in the future. Hopefully it will happen soon without any obstacles,” he said. (usa/sam/kh)