The Ministry of Religion Affairs of the Republic Indonesia and UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Hold a Matriculation Program for Outstanding Santri Scholarship Awardee

The Ministry of Religion Affairs of the Republic Indonesia and UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Hold a Matriculation Program for Outstanding Santri Scholarship Awardee

Auditorium Prof. MK. Tadjuddin, UIN News Online - Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta held the opening of Matriculation activities for Outstanding Santri Scholarship Awardee (PBSB) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Academic Year 2024/2025 on Monday (19/08/2024) at Auditorium Prof. MK. Tadjudin Auditorium, Faculty of Medicine.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Dr. dr. Achmad Zaki, M.Epid, Sp.OT, emphasized the importance of the Faculty of Medicine in Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN). “The existence of Faculty of Medicine in PTKIN is fard al-kifayah (legal obligation that must be discharged by the Muslim community as a whole), because Islam teaches about health and hygiene,” he said.

Dr. Zaki added that since its inception until the 19th year, there have been 250 PBSB awardees at the Faculty of Medicine UIN Jakarta.

Furthermore, the Director at the Directorate of Early Education and Islamic Boarding Schools, Dr. Basnang Said, S.Ag., M.Ag., explained that the PBSB program was initiated in early 2025. “The goal is that there is an adjustment of the knowledge base that will be understood by santri in this matriculation program,” he said.

Dr. Said also mentioned Law No. 18/2019 on pesantren (islamic boarding school), which allows pesantren endowment funds to benefit the mahasantri. He reminded that PBSB recipients must serve in pesantren or places determined by the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) after completing their studies.

Rector of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D., in his speech emphasized the uniqueness of Faculty of Medicine UIN Jakarta. “The core and uniqueness of UIN Jakarta's Faculty of Medicine is the queerness in it. We must not want to be left behind by others,” he said.

Prof. Asep also reported that the alumni of FK UIN Jakarta are highly sought after by hospitals. He advised the students to always be grateful, keep emotional, and enliven dhikr while studying at UIN Jakarta.

The event continued with a technical presentation by Heri Irawan regarding the rights, obligations, and prohibitions for PBSB students, as well as a discussion about student empowerment.

This matriculation activity is expected to prepare outstanding santri to face academic challenges at the Faculty of Medicine UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, while maintaining Islamic values in the medical profession.

Photo Documentation:

UIN05252-2 (1)

matrikulasi FK (2)

(Rizkiyah Gustiana N./Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi F./Photo: Melva Evangelyn, Hermanudin)

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