The 9 Best Graduates of UIN Jakarta on the First Day of the 131st Graduation Ceremony

The 9 Best Graduates of UIN Jakarta on the First Day of the 131st Graduation Ceremony

Gedung Auditorium Harun Nasution, Berita UIN Online – UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held its 131st graduation ceremony on 24-25 February 2024 at the Harun Nasution Auditorium. A total of 1,460 graduates were inaugurated as new graduates at this graduation ceremony.

A total of 743 graduates from six faculties attended the first day of the Open Senate Session on Saturday (24/2/2024). The number of new graduates from the six faculties includes the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) as many as 350 people, the Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSH) as many as 154 people, the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah (FDI) as many as 17 people, the Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) as many as 27 people , Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) with 174 people, and Postgraduate School (SPS) with 21 people.

Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie, MA.MH., read the Chancellor's Decree Number 213 of 2024 regarding the best graduation participants and best theses in bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs. In his presentation, there were 8 people who were named the best graduates based on their GPA, including 5 best graduates from the undergraduate program, 2 best graduates from the master's program, and 1 best graduate from the doctoral program.

The best graduate of the undergraduate program with a Judiciary GPA of 3.96 was achieved by Kotrun Nada from the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program. A Judicial GPA of 3.93 was achieved by Ilda Yulia Putri who came from the Family Law Study Program, Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSH).

The best graduate from the Dirasat Islamiyah Study Program, Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah (FDI) is Hilya Hasna Nabila who achieved a Judicial GPA of 3.9. Qoyyimah Azzahra Nawafil from the Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) achieved a Judicial GPA of 3.92. Rossy Dwi Astuti, who comes from the Sharia Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), succeeded in achieving a Judicial GPA of 3.84.

Furthermore, in the master's program, the highest GPA was achieved by Arfarizan from the Sharia Banking Master's Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) with a Judicial GPA of 3.85. Then the winner of the Judicial GPA of 3.81 was Zikraini Alrah who came from the Postgraduate School (SPS) Masters Study Program.
The highest GPA achiever in the doctoral program was Miftahul Huda, who came from the Postgraduate School's Strata 3 Doctoral Study Program, earning a GPA of 3.86. Apart from the award for the highest GPA, UIN Jakarta also gave an award based on the best thesis in the field of social sciences to Tirsya Novita Sari from the Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) with the thesis title "The Influence of Parental Attachment, Self-Compassion and Impulsivity on Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Behavior (NSSI) Adolescents”.

Rector of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D, expressed his gratitude and happiness to the graduates who were present. In his speech, Prof. Asep said that UIN Jakarta equips its students with religious knowledge which will be an added value in the eyes of society. This will be an important provision for alumni to realize their service in matters of religion and general science. He also advised that academic grades are not a determinant or benchmark for someone to achieve success, success can be seen from how much effort a person makes to maximize the application of their knowledge in everyday life.

"Today we inaugurated 743 graduates and female graduates from various faculties and study programs. This is an academic achievement, the best is a GPA above 3 to 4. Of course this is hard work where academics can be a sign that we are serious. However, of course it turns out that your journey in life, success, reputation and recognition from society are not determined by GPA achievement. Our success and success is determined by how far we contribute, serve society sincerely and with full struggle. "So only 20 percent of your success is determined by academics, the rest is determined by how well we manage emotions and adapt to change," he explained. (Nadia Nur Fadilah/Novia Syifaputri Ramadhan)

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