Technical Guidance for SOP for Service Quality Improvement

Technical Guidance for SOP for Service Quality Improvement

Ministry of Religion Pusdiklat Building, UIN NEWS Online— In an effort to increase employee capacity and service quality, especially among staff managers within the UIN Jakarta environment in terms of standard operating procedures (SOP), the Section of the Civil Service Administration and Regulations (OKP), General and Personnel (AUK) UIN Jakarta organizes Technical Guidance (BIMTEK) on Preparing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), on Wednesday-Friday (12-14 / 09), at the Pusdiklat Administration Building, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Ciputat.

This was conveyed by the Head of Organization, Personnel and Legislation Section (OKP) of the Public Administration and Personnel Bureau (AUK) UIN Jakarta, Ir Yarsi Berlianti in her office, Building Integrated Administration Service Center, Level 2, Campus I, UIN Jakarta.

According to Yarsi, this BIMTEK activity was motivated by the lack of maximum handling and skills of employees within the Jakarta UIN in terms of the preparation of standard operating procedures (SOP) for each activity or service in each work unit. Not to mention, the issue of differences in formats and standard standards in terms of the preparation of SOPs in each work unit within the Jakarta UIN. The presence of BIMTEK activities is expected to increase employee knowledge and skills in terms of preparing standard operating procedures (SOP) so that they can automatically improve the quality of services towards excellent service.

This technical guidance activity which was attended by 30 participants from representatives of each faculty and institution within UIN Jakarta was a success with quite high enthusiasm from the participants. This can be seen from the results of Pre-Test and Post-Test which have significant achievement figures. This means that the process of education and training goes well. This activity was appreciated by many participants because it had provided a direct practice space regarding the preparation of SOPs according to the rules and standards set, said Yarsi.

This activity, which was collaborated with the Ciputat Ministry of Religion Education and Training Center, presented several speakers including Drs H Bahari, MA (Head of Program and Quality Control, Education and Training Center for Administrative Staff at the Ministry of Religious Affairs), Rahmiyati MAP, and Siti Kusriyah MPd, as well as Widyaiswara others in the Pusdiklat environment at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Ciputat.

Rahmi, one of the trainers in the technical guidance activity, said that the Standard Operating Procedure was an important matter in order to provide certainty of the standardization that need to be carried out by employees in completing work and completing their tasks. In addition, the presence of SOPs will also reduce the level of errors that may be occurred and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the execution of the duties and responsibilities of individual employees in carrying out their duties.

In addition to the form of material delivery, this technical guidance activity is also filled by the direct practice of SOP preparation for each activity / service task that is owned by each participant. (usa-rs)